ST0003-CS070306 Message Page 1 of 1 Paula Crocker - Re: Coppell Road (ST 00-03) From: To: Date: Subject: CC: Ken Griffin Ken Roberts 3/6/2007 9:20 AM Re: Coppell Road (ST 00-03) Paula Crocker Kenneth It's been interesting around here for about the last 8 months. First, my Graduate Engineer left (July 2006) and moved back to Florida where her husband purchased a restaurant. Second, Suzan retired (October 2006). And, finally, Keith, my Assistant City Engineer, left in December 2006 to go to the Police Academy to be a Coppell Police Officer. I have advertised twice and have yet to hire anyone (I have one verbal acceptance for the Graduate Engineer, but he will not start until mid-March and he recently graduated so he is kind of "green"). Our third advertisement ends this week and I will again try to fill some positions. Coppell Road is at the top of the projects that I want to move on quickly, but, being the only Engineer for the last 3 months, I barely keep up with the phones calls, emails, and other day-to-day stuff. I wish I could give you a firm time line line, but at this time I need to fill some positions before I can take on more major projects. Ken Griffin >>> "Roberts, Ken" <kar@Huitt-Zollars.com> 3/5/20075:32 PM >>> Ken, The last contact I had with Suzan Taylor about the Coppell Road project was in June of 2006 and she stated that something would probably start to happen during the first quarter of2007. I sent her a follow-up emaillast week to check on the status of the project and the email was kicked back because of an invalid address. Can you give us an approximate timeline for the Coppell Road project. Thanks for your help. Kenneth Roberts, PE Huitt-Zollars, Inc. file://C :\Documents%20and%20Settings\PCROCKER\Local%20Settings\ Temp\GW} 0000 1... 3/6/2007