ST0003-CS070910 (9/10/2007) Rhonda Adloo - Re: Petition (Project # ST -00-03) Pa From: To: CC: Date: Subject: Brad Reid Kathy Bowling; Ken Griffin Clay Phillips; Keith Marvin; Rhonda Adloo 9/10/2007 2:56 PM Re: Petition (Project # ST-00-03) I am in favor of eliminating the old fence line scrub brush/tree "screen" as it looks much worse than the living screen and land berm installed by the Container Store. We do not currently plan on doing a planting in the area, however, we will review as the construction nears to determine if additional tree planting is appropriate, or if it would prove redundant with what the Container Store has installed. More is not always better. Also, the Container Store will be required to take over the maintenance of the ROW on their property after the street is improved. Brad >>> Ken Griffin 9/10/2007 2:31 PM >>> Kathy We don't have a set form for a petition. Normally people just write on the top what they are against and get people to sign. The area in question is in the City's right of way on the west side of Coppell Road from Ruby Road to Ron Robertson's property. The area on the other side of the trees is the loading dock area for the Container Store. When that development was approved, they were allowed to use a berm and a living screen in lieu of a screening wall. The trees to be removed aren't much in the way of aesthetics, but they do screen the activity at the Container Store. We have had several calls on the same issue. I'm not sure if Parks is planning to do any type of tree planting once the project is complete. I copied Brad on this email so he may have some comments. Ken Griffin VIA E-MAIL MEMORANDUM TO: Directors FROM: Jim Witt, City Manager DATE: September 10, 2007 REF: Tidbits 1. Dinner tomorrow night will be provided by Siena’s and includes Lasagna, Salad, Chicken Breasts, Bread and Dessert. 2. If you would like to attend the Chamber luncheon next Wednesday, September 19, please RSVP directly to 972-393-2829 or contact our office. The luncheon speaker will be Ron Lehman from the Texas Workforce Commission, and it will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn, Lewisville (by Vista Ridge Shopping Center). 3. A total of 1062 red light camera violations occurred during the month of August, with 873 violation notices mailed. Almost 200 incidents were invalidated for a variety of reasons. 4. In your boxes is a packet of information the Elmdale people dropped off last week, including a petition. Please note that some of the information in that packet was prepared before the meeting we had with them last week. Of particular interest are statements that they make in the petition that this item has been before the Planning and Zoning Commission and was passed based on the recommendations of David Dodd. I would like to categorically state that this particular situation has never been on the P&Z agenda. We will brief you once again on this situation in executive session tomorrow night. 5. Today we had a call from a citizen who lives in the area around the Container Store who was concerned about the removal of trees. Apparently there is a petition being circulated regarding tree removal that is being necessitated by the expansion of Coppell Road. It is the old contest between safety and the environment, and quite frankly safety wins.