ST0501-CS070727 Page 1 of2 ~\O'5 0 l Keith Marvin - Fwd: Re: Deforest Road .~,.1I ~jI.lIlU lltllll II I J I AI 11 J.I!I!1Ii" 1 ~HI .HlT JI 1... From: To: Date: Subject: cc: Ken Griffin tjomar@verizon.net 7/27/2007 10:31 AM Fwd: Re: DeForest Road Keith Marvin Ms. Omar I wanted to follow up on our emails from mid 2005. At the July 24th 2007 Council meeting, Council authorized the city to proceed with design on three new street projects. Those projects are: Southwestern, South Coppell and Deforest. I have a staff member currently working with a consultant to finalize the design contract for Deforest. The current preliminary timeline is as follows: Council approval of the design contract later this year; completion of design 3rd quarter of 2008; and begin construction starting in the 1st quarter of 2009. Because of the narrow space to work in and Deforest being the only access to property on the north side, the construction of the road will be very difficult. The end product will be great but getting there could be a "nightmare", I would anticipate that we will have some public meetings concerning the project once we have some preliminary plans. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 972-304-3686 or Keith Marvin at 972-304-3679. Ken Griffin >>> "Theresa Omar" <tjomar@verizon.net> 5/11/20054:21 PM >>> Mr. Griffin, Thanks very much for taking the time to fully explain. Of course, it's not the news we were hoping to hear, but I'll pass it along. Theresa Omar ----- Original Message ----- From: Ken Griffil1 To: tiomar@verizpn.net Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 20053:57 PM Subject: DeForest Road Ms. Omar Reconstruction of DeForest Road was not included in the City's last bond election in 1999. The streets that were included are currently under design, with the last one expected to go to construction in 2008. The streets were selected by a citizen bond committee and voted on in a general city election. The city has identified DeForest Road as a street that needs to be rebuilt and has listed it in our Five Year Plan as part of a potential future bond election or to be addressed if funding becomes available some other way. There are five streets listed that were not included in the 1999 bond election. Those are: DeForest Road, Southwestern Blvd., Coppell Road, North Freeport Pkwy., and State Road. Those streets have an estimated cost of $8.1 million dollars. DeForest has an estimated cost of $1.8 million dollars. In the five year plan, if a bond election is held and approved or if funding becomes available some other way, then DeForest is scheduled to go to design in 2009 with construction beginning in 2010. file:/ /C: \Documents and Settings\kmarvin \Local Settings\ T emp\XPgrpwise\46A9C98CCit... 10/9/2007 ?T DSol Page 2 of2 The power lines belong to TXU and there are no plans to bury them. When the street is reconstructed, TXU has to relocate the power lines out of the proposed street at their cost. If the power lines were buried, the City would have to bear that cost. The option to bury power lines was explored in the mid 1990's along Sandy Lake Road and was cost prohibited. Sidewalks will be built when the road is reconstructed. There is not adequate space to construct sidewalks adjacent to unimproved streets that have ditches along the edge. The ditches are there for drainage reasons. Also, any sidewalks have to meet state and federal guidelines in regard to the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act. Without the proper space to construct sidewalks, we cannot meet ADA requirements for slope, accessible routes and ramps. We have a similar situation along Coppell Road adjacent to Wilson Elementary. There are ditches next to the asphalt street and not enough room to construct sidewalks. If you have any additional questions, you can contact me directly at the phone number and email address listed below. Dear Planning Commission: What plans are in place, or being considered, for improvements of Deforest Road, East of Macarthur? Currently there are no sidewalks, and because the road is raised in many parts, it's very difficult (AND DANGEROUS) to walk or ride a bike there. Obviously, the traffic on this small asphalt road has picked up tremendously in the past ten years. Are there any plans to bury the power lines and build sidewalks? We live on a single-street neighborhood off of Deforest, and although there are classmates in many nearby subdivisions, our children are virtually isolated by Deforest. I certainly hope I'm wrong, but Deforest seems ripe for a tragic accident. We saw a similar road situation where we lived before, and a high school girl's life was nearly ended--with severe head injuries--because she was hit while jogging. If you could please let me know the status, I'll pass the information on to the rest of the neighborhood. Thank you. Theresa Omar 610 Prestwick Court 972-462-9219 Ken Griffin P. E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 972-304-3686 Imdffin@ci.coppel!.tx.us file:IIC: \Documents and Settings\kmarvin \Local Settings\ T emp\XPgrpwise\46A9C98CCit... 10/9/2007