Alexander Ct-CS071231 (3) (1/15/2008) Ken Griffin - Alexander Court From: To: CC: Date: Subject: Attachments: Marcie Diamond David Dodd cadkins@toase.com; Ken Griffin; wolson@toase.com 12/31/20078:41 AM Alexander Court letter boundary dispute.pdf; Response to DRC Comments.pdf; DRC Comments Ale xander.pdf I just received a written response from Mr. Hawkins to staff's DRC Comments (see attachments) where Mr. Hawkins states that there is no longer a boundary dispute or a flood plain issue. Ken and I will work out the appropriate response on the flood plain issue.. but what about the boundary dispute?? thanks Attached is a letter I just received from the attorney representing the property owner abutting Alexander Court to the west, apparently there is an on-going boundary dispute. What involvement, if any, does the city have with this? thanks Marcie Diamond, AICP Assistant Director of Planning City of Coppell 972-304-3676 www.ci.coccell.tx.us DQC 30 07 03:32a jOhn '-.. rlaUJ....lns 8 7-328-1782 p. J 04t~ '"-"'V'M ~r-{,(/ //a'j(- _. CC;~PC;;4-'Jr. ,,--d/ tl/ l ;l1aster Planned Living Ms. Marcie Diamond, AICP Assistant Director of Planning City of Coppell Planning Dept. 255 Parkway Blvd. Cappell, Texas 75019 Ph. 972-304-3678 Fax 972-304-7092 December 29,2007 Ms. Diamond, RECEIVED C 3 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Re: Alexander Court Final Plat, FP-07-0091 r am in receipt of your] 2/28 comments for the acceptance of the Final Plat for recording of our Alexander Court project. A fteI' thoroughly reviewing and carefully cOD$idering all tbe DRe report comments, Sempco Surveying has corrected everything as requested, except those items pertaining to the flood plain, abandoned sewer easement and a remark regarding some "boundary dispute on the West side". The flood plain line delineated on our final plat is the 100 year line furnisbed by Nathan Maier, Engrs. and the same one currentJy being processed through FElvfA. Ken Griffin is completely familiar with aU the facts concerning the new line. He understands the impracticality ofshowmg two lines. To reproduce the old line. on toe final plat, which is commonly known to be grossly out of position, would be confusing to prospective property ov.ncrs and serve no lawful purpose, since it would substantially conflict with the new more accurate 100 year line approved by FEM/\.. We want to plat all 29 lots at once and the corrected lOO year flood plain line as shown on Our plat. The recorded documents of abandondment, of the 20 foot sanitary sewer easement, have been provided to Ken Griffin. Since the easement is no longer orany physical use or legal significance, it serves no useful purpose to show it on the fmal plat. There again, like the old flood line, the non existent easement would only confuse prospective lot owners and possibly lead them to believe that their new home might be effected in Some way. We do not think it is legally required or appropriate to illustrate the old sanitary sewer easement that longer exist,>. Regarding the West boundary of Alexander Court. The centerline of Grapevine Creek, comprises the dedicated boundary, frum Bethel to Denton Tap. PbiJip Berkebile had some questions regarding our common property line and I referred him to Jim Brittain, RPLS and the Chicago Title Company la\\ycrs, who have written my Warranty Deed and Title Policy, guaranteeing my tIee and clear ownership of the property, as it is configured al1d delineated on the fmal plat for submission. r know of no ongoing property dispute, or have J been furnished \\<jtb any dOClill1ents claiming such. Page One of Two 6003 SIO,derlmul D"ilie . Colleyv;{(e, Texas 76034 Tel. (817) 996.6698 . hi.'\: (817) 329.1792 npc 30 07 01:12a John L. f-Jawk 1 ns 817-329-1782 p.? Alexander Court Final Pial Page Two of Two To my knowledge, all the detailed comments have been addressed and/or corrected, as requested by staff The flood plain issue has been thoroughly discllssed numerous times, the sewer easement has been legally abandoned and there is no boundary dispute that could possibly effect a delay of recording the final plat. The FEMA report is expected any time nm\', of which Ken Griffin is completely aware of and there is no justification to further delay the recording of tlle final plat. Larry Jackson, of David Weekley Classic Homes, will be providing the Covenants and Restrictions that will follow the plat recording. Thank You. cc: Walter W. Leonard. Esquire Attomey at Law Ken Griffin. PE Yours Very Truly, John L. Hawkins, Pres. r'~ ~ .. -J *, o~" .~ :~ u~ :0 ~'u ..J ..J.... w~ D..O D..a.. 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