ST0501-CS081017 THE.CITY.OF COPPELL 1L~~~~~~ *.'~. ~.~~~~ /' ;"~ ~ ./......A~ ',':ii- .,,/~ ' \) "-\,--.r.~""'I<"'j)q A I) . \ Audrey White Senior, Coppell High School RE: Deforest Road Project # ST 05-01 Ms. White: I was reading the Dallas Morning News this morning and noticed that you had provided comments in the Voices Forum concerning Deforest Road. Your comment was- "I take Deforest Road, a short two-lane road in Coppell, to and from school every day. The road is in the late stages of decay, not to mention that its hilliness makes it impossible to see the runners and children that frequent the streets." Because of YO,ur concern about the safety of a street in Coppell, I thought it would be appropriate to take the time to provide you an update on the status of the reconstruction of Deforest Road. I came to Coppell in December 1991 as the City Engineer. At that time, Deforest Road was a two lane asphalt road very similar to how it looks today. The big difference was that there was very little development along the road. There were several older homes, the Coppell Service Center and a few mobile homes at the east end near Denton Creek. Development on the north side took off in 1993. There are now over 200 homes on the north side that use Deforest Road as the only access to their property. In addition to that, there are numerous homes on the south side that also use Deforest Road daily. The city realized that Deforest Road would need to be improved to accommodate not only the vehicles, but also the various other means of transportation, such as, bicycles and walking. There was a Bond Committee formed in 1997 to identify streets in Coppell that needed to be improved to address the rapid growth of Coppell in the 90's. Unfortunately, Deforest Road was not included on the final list. As growth continued along Deforest Road, the City took steps in the mid 2000's to address the improvement of Deforest Road. Finally, in 2007, the City secured funding to improve Deforest Road. When reconstructed, Deforest Road will be a 28 feet wide (it's 22 feet today) concrete street, sidewalks will be constructed on at least the north side and possibly the south side, drainage will be improved to eliminate the ditches adjacent to the road and a signal light will be installed at the intersection of Deforest Road and MacArthur Blvd. The following is the current status of the project: I) Funding secured in 2007; 2) Design contract awarded in October 2007; r:x:;c. / 7 :2-.O0:? ----)----- 255 PARKWAY * P.O.80X 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 3) Meetings held between the design consultant and the city in 2007 and 2008; 4) Public Meeting to obtain input on the design held on October 9,2008; 5) Acquisition of right of way to begin by the end of the year; 6) Utility relocation to begin in early 2009; and, 7) Reconstruction to begin by the middle of 2009. The project should be complete by the end of 20 1 O. Again, thank you for your interest in the safety of our streets. If you would like additional infoffi1ation please don't hesitate to contact the Project Engineer, Keith Marvin at 972-304-3679 I kmarvin@ci.coppc1l.tx.lls or myself at the contact information listed below. sini: tfAt-- Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. Director of Engineering & Public Works Office: 972-304-3686 Fax: 972-304-7041 kgri ffin(a:;ci.coppell. tx. us , Audrey White , ,SernofjCoppell High School I take.Deforest Road, a shorttwo-lane road in Cappell, to and from school every day. Th~ road is in the "ate stages of decay, not to mention that its hilliness makes it impossible to see the runners a'nd children that frequent the , street.