ST0501-CS081013 rC16/15/2"66s) Rhondi3' Adloo -RE:-Oeforesfconstruction ^STO . -PI Pa e From: To: CC: Date: Subject: "Jason Miller" <jason@abisinc.com> "Ken Griffin" <kgriffin@cLcoppell.tx.us> "DiWanna Baskins" <DBASKINS@cLcoppell.tx.us>, "Keith Marvin" <KMARVIN@c... 10/13/2008 8:37 PM ^ RE: Deforest construction Mr. Griffin Thank you very much for your prompt and informative email. I apologize for my ignorance in this matter. I am trying to learn and become as well informed as possible in regards to this matter. I also wants best for the residents of Coppell. 1) That is good news that a sidewalk on the Southside is being investigated. I hope it comes to fruition. 2) I understand the concept of a stop sign being used as a traffic control device, I do however believe that a stop sign at the corner of Allen and Deforest would be used as an instrument that forced people to slow down to acknowledge the stop sign in turn creating acceptable speeds through the intersection. I am also curious as to why a stop sign warrant study will not be performed before construction begins and after construction to determine a true cause and affect variation. 3) I will take a look at the Winding Hallow location as far as road humps, thank you. 4) I misunderstood the retaining wall vs. brick wall and replacement of the wood fence along the south side of deforest. This will be something that I will need to study further once a definite proposed concept is introduced. My comment on taxes did not concern the improvement of any private property. It was a comment mainly for the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of deforest which is clearly a public road and I would only expect the same consideration of public access corridors during construction planning. I will also be contacting my HOA in an effort to suggest a new and improved fence/brick wall along deforest to accommodate the new and improved construction by the city of Coppell. I want to thank you again for your clarification in this matter and hope an end result will be acceptable to all. Thank you, Jason Miller -----Original Message----- From: Ken Griffin [mailto:kgriffin@cLcoppell.tx.us] Sent: Sunday, October 12, 2008 10:40 PM To: Jason Miller t( ~ 0/15/2Cr68) Rhonda Adloo - RE:"Oeforest construction'- Page-2 Cc: DiWanna Baskins; Keith Marvin; Michael Garza; Rhonda Adloo Subject: Re: Deforest construction Mr. Miller Hopefully this will address some of you concerns. 1) The inclusion of a sidewalk on the south side of Deforest is being investigated. 2) Stop signs are not used for speed control, they are used for intersection control. The city of Coppell adopted the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (as have most cities in Texas while cities in other states have adopted the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices) for rules on the installation of everything from signs to traffic lights. The TMUTCD provides warrants that must be met before a stop sign can be installed. My department receives 25-50 requests a year for stop signs and of that amount only a small percentage are warranted. The installation of an unwarranted stop sign creates legal liability for the city if an accident occurs because of the unwarranted stop sign. Once the road is complete, a stop sign warrant study will be performed. Only if the stop signs are warranted, will they be installed. 3) Speed humps are used on residential streets that have between 500-2500 vehicles per day. A street that carries more than 2500 vehicles a day is classified as a collector and speed humps are not allowed on collector streets. Also, the 85th% speed of the vehicles has to exceed the posted speed by 5 mph. (The 85th% speed is the speed at which 85% of the vehicles are traveling at or below.) If speed humps are justified on Deforest, they will be added to the list of currents streets that have been waiting, in some cases, for 15 years. The long wait is because until this year we did not have a road hump program that would not impede the time of response vehicles. We now use a modified hump. The first installation was on Winding Hollow this year. You may want to take a look at it when you have time. ( 4) I'm confused about your statement concerning the fairness of some areas having brick fences while others will still have wood fences. To be clear, we are not proposing to build any brick fences. We are proposing some concrete retaining walls in areas where we do not have room to grade the land flat enough so it can be safely mowed and maintained. Some of the concrete walls will face the alley and some will face Deforest. In all areas there will still be a wood fence. I'm also confused about you comment on taxes. All people in Coppell pay taxes and the city is not allowed to used those tax dollars on private property for the sole benefit of the adjoining citizens. Because of that, the city has not built any brick screening walls in Coppell. The walls are built by the initial developer and maintained by the HOA. The Lakes of Coppell could have built a brick screening wall along Deforest, but they chose to build a wood fence. If the residents in this area desire a brick screening wall they should contact their HOA so the HOA can design and build the brick wall. If the HOA is inclined to build a brick screening wall. they should touch base with the Engineeing Department so we can ensure it is constructed at the correct grade to match the current plans. ' (1()lf5/?()b8rRho~9? Ad/ao - RE: Deforest construction "Page 3~ I did not have another email attached. The only attachment was another copy of your mail. However, if you should have any additional comments or observations, please contact Keith or I at your convenience. Ken Griffin, P. E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 972.304-3686 kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us >>> "Jason Miller" <jason@abisinc.com> 10/12/08 9:58 PM >>> Ken, I sent this to Keith, but I also wanted you to receive it as well: Mr. Marvin, My name is Jason Miller, my wife, myself and our two young children live on the corner of Deforest anq Allen and we spoke the other night at the Deforest road construction town meeting. Since speaking with you and a few other residents in the area that this construction will be affecting I would like to voice a few concerns in regards to the proposed construction. In regards to speed on Deforest, it is very bad now and with a new and improved road the residents can only expect it to worsen. I have two young kids and will not allow them to play in their own front yard due to the high speed of traffic in the area. I would like to voice or request the consideration of the following: - A three way stop installed at Allen and Deforest - Speed humps/bumps installed on Deforest In regards to a sidewalk only being installed on the North side of Deforest: . - I would like to know the reasoning that the north side of Deforest was chosen and not the south side. I also would like to voice that a sidewalk on the South side would be just as beneficial due to the fact that there is a larger population of residents living and trying to access the Andy Brown Park and Aquatic center via walking, biking, etc. I have traveled this path many times with my two young children and just trying to cross deforest road can be a challenging if not dangerous task. It makes since from that both parties (north and south) should benefit from this construction and tax payers dollars which would mean two sidewalks. In regards to the HOA fencing already in place and the brick retaining wall proposed on the south side of deforest: - I feel that the propsed brick retaining wall should expand the whole length of deforest. This would keep traffic volume noise down which will be increasing due to a new and improved road. It will also keep the aesthetic look that the Lakes Of Coppell strive for. A half brick and half wood fence does not seem fare for the residents that get the half wood fence such as myself. I pay my taxes just as other residents and expect the same benefits as should other residents. I have also attached another email from a concerned resident which is stated below. IT071572'O(8) Rhonda Ad/oo - RE: Deforest construction Pag~ 4'1 I would like to thank you in advance for your time and look forward to your response and cooperation with the residents that this project will be impacting. Jason Miller H- 972-956-9950