ST0501-CS080623 Page 1 of 1 Carol Dye - FW: Deforest Road Drainage in Coppell 5105-0 I From: To: Date: Subject: "Quinn Spann" <qspann@gswwengineers.com> <kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us>, <kmarvin@ci.coppell.tx.us>, <DBASKINS@ci.coppell.tx.us> 6/23/2008 3 :00 PM FW: Deforest Road Drainage in Coppell Ken, Keith and DiWanna, Here is Halff's first report! Quinn G. Spann, Jr., P.E. Associate / Sr. Project Manager GSWW, Inc. 11117 Shady Trail Dallas, Texas 75229 972-620-1255 Ext 225 972-620-8028 Fax From: Alvarez, Jeffrey [mailto:JAlvarez@Halff.com] Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 11 :01 AM To: Quinn Spann Cc: Skipwith, Walter; Chovan, Dennis Subject: Deforest Road Drainage in Coppell Quinn, I have researched our files for the Deforest Court and Windsor Estates design plans and have found that the starting HGL for the 36 inch RCP shown on the Deforest Court design plans on sheet PRF-1 relates to the water surface elevation on Denton Creek resulting from the published Grapevine Lake's controlled reservoir release rate of 2000 cfs. This water surface elevation was called out on the Deforest Court plans because it was thought that having a localized 1 OO-year event over the Deforest CourtlWindsor Estates area while Denton Creek's water surface elevation is also at its 1 OO-year flood stage is unlikely. Given this, using the controlled reservoir release rate starting water surface elevation on Denton Creek is the minimum that should be used to start your HGL calculations. However if a more conservative approach is to be taken, assuming Denton Creek is at 100-year flood stage when the Deforest CourtlWindsor Estates peaks, then the 1 OO-year starting water surface on Denton Creek should be used as shown on the Windsor Estates design plans. We are also still investigating whether there is a new US Army Corps of Engineers study along Denton Creek and if we can obtain a copy. That study may reflect different information than is discussed here. We will keep you informed of what we can turn up from the Corps. Let me know if you have any further questions. Jeffrey J. Alvarez, P.E. III HAL. FF Project Manager . ... HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. 3801 Parkwood Blvd., Suite 500 Frisco, Texas 75034 Phone 214-618-4570 Fax 214-618-4574 www.halff.com file:/ /C :\Documents and Settings\cdye\Local Settings\ Temp\XPgrpwise\49 A2A9CDCity _ 0... 2/23/2009