Denton Creek NH-CS090129 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: PD-239-R. Denton Creek Nursin2 (Sandv Lake Nursin2). zoning change request from SF-12 (Single Family-12), R (Retail) and 0 (Office) to PD-239-R (Planned Development-239-Retail) to attach a detail site plan to allow a 52,317-square-foot (123 bed) Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility on 6.74 acres of property located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, between Riverchase and Riverview Drives, at the request of Larry Parker, Broadmore Health Realty, LTD. STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond PROJECT ID# PD-09-0004 DRC DATE: January 29, 2009 - February 5, 2009 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir.of Engineering/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY ~FINAL REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. The city will be installing a traffic signal at this location.. The 4th leg may be the responsibility of the property owner. 2. The drainage will be evaluated further during engineering plan review. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: Denton Creek Nursine: Addition. Minor Plat to establish a building site with required easements and fite lanes to allow a 52,317-square-foot Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility on 6.74 ofland located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, between Riverchase and Riverview Drives, at the request of Larry Parker, Broadmore Health Realty, LTD. STAFF REP.: Marcie Diamond PROJECT ID# MP-09-0005 DRC DATE: January 29,2009 - February 5, 2009 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Dir.of Enf!ineerinf!/Public Works 972/304-3686 COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY '/FINAL REVISED AFTER P&Z 1. No Comment