Denton Creek NH-CS090219 (2) P&Z HEARING DATE: C.C. HEARING DATE: STAFF REP.: LOCATION: SIZE OF AREA: CURRENT ZONING: . . REQUEST: APPLICANT: HISTORY: CITY OF COPPELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT PD-239-R, Denton Creek Nursina February 1 9, 2009 March 10, 2009 Marcie Diamond, Assistant Director of Planning North side of Sandy Lake Road, between Riverside and Riverview Drives 6.47 acres of property SF-12 (Single Family-12), R (Retail) and 0 (Office) A zoning change to PD-239-R (Planned Development-239- Retail) to attach a detail site plan to allow a 52,31 7 -square- foot (123 bed) Nursing and Rehabilitation Facility. Prospective Purchaser: Larry Parker Broadmore Health Realty, LTD 5467 New Copeland Road Tyler, Texas 75073 903-521-7930 FAX: 903-592-9292 Engineer: Gerry Monk Monk Consulting Engineers 1200 W. State Street Garland, Texas 75040 972-273-1763 FAX:972-272-8761 This property has been filled over the last several years. In March of 2007, the Planning Commission denied a request for a. 95-lot subdivision on 18B6 acres of property, which includes the subject property and additional 12 acres to the east. The applicant did not appeal that recommendation to Council and reapplied for a 78-lot subdivision. This second request was recommended for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission subject to 22 conditions. The applicant withdrew the request prior to Council consideration. ITEM #7 Page 1 of 4 TRANSPORTATION: Sandy Lake Road is a C4D, collector, four-lane divided concrete roadway contained within a 11 a-foot right-af-way. SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North -vacant, flood land: City of Carrollton South -single f,amily and vacant; SF-7 (Single Family-7) and R (Retail) East - Carrollton ISO farm; A (Agriculture) West -vacant; SF-12 residential lots (Single Family-12) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The CoppeJ/ Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail and mixed use. DISCUSSION: This request is to allow a nursing and rehabilitation facility. From a land use standpoint, this use is appropriate at this location given the accessibility provided by Sandy Lake Road with full median access for the western most driveway. Although zoned and on the Future Land Use Plan as retail and mixed use, this property is not an ideal retail location and apparently not desirable for standard single family residential uses, refer to History section above. Also, part of the discussions of the 2030 Visioning Plan, suggested the elimination of less desirable retail zoning and providing housing for all age groups and housing needs. This project addresses both of those objectives. Specially, this proposal is for a one-story, "T" shaped building with a central well-landscaped courtyard which is only accessible from the interior of the building. This will be a 123 bed facility with a combination of one and two bedroom suites, dining facilities, activity areas, library and a gym. Parking is required at a ratio of one space per five beds plus one per day staff, for a total of 80 spaces. They are proposing 102 parking spaces which will e,ssentially surround the building. A 24 foot-wide fire lane encircles the building with two driveways onto Sandy Lake Road. The western driveway aligns with Riverchase Drive. This summer the city is planning to install a traffic signal at this intersection. Given the direct benefit to this property owners, the property owner may be responsible for the cost of the 4th leg of this signal. ITEM # 7 Page 2 of 4 The Landscape Plan also exceeds the minimum requirements of the Zoning Ordinance where over 50% of the property is devoted to landscaped and open areas. There is a 30+ foot wide landscaped buffer along Sandy Lake Road, a 50-foot open area along the west property line (existing water line easement adjacent to the 250 foot wide TP&L easement), and a heavily wooded flood plain area to the north where the 28 existing trees are to be preserved. To the east of this property, adjacent to undeveloped retail land is additional landscaping which also exceeds the minimum width of 10 feet. The Landscape Plan includes 90 3-inch caliper trees, hedge rows screening the parking along Sandy Lake and various ornamental grasses, ground covers and perennials. As previously discussed, the court yard, albeit internal to the building, adds 7,200+1- square feet of landscaped area for the use and enjoyment of its residents. The elevations of the building indicate 100% masonry exterior, utilizing a combination of brick and stone. The applicant originally desired to include stucco for up to 20% accent as an accent material. After discussions with staff, the applicant replaced the stucco with stone prior to the P&Z submission. A revised color board will be required. The roof wjll be a residential style composite shingles. There is one aesthetic issue with the fac;ade of the building. Staff is very concerned with the proposed air conditioning units under each window. While this is typical for this type of use it distracts from the overall aesthetic of the building. The zoning ordinance requires the screening of all mechanical equipment which would apply to these air conditioning units. Therefore staff is recommending that if an alternative to these individual ale units is not available, then they be completely screened with landscaping, low walls or a combination. Finally, the applicant is proposing a 60-square foot, externally lit brick monument sign to be located. This sign is compliant with Zoning Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff is recommending APPROVAL of PD-239-R, Denton Creek Nursing subject to the following conditions: 1. The property owner may be responsible for the cost of the 4th leg of this traffic signal at Sandy Lake and the western driveway. 2. . A revised drainage plan will be required with the submittal of engineering plans. 3. Change the address of the project to 1410 West Sandy Lake. ITEM #7 Page 3 of 4 4. In the event that an alternative to individual external air conditioning units is not feasible, then a revised landscape plan will be required to indicate the complete screening of these units. 5. Submission of a revised Color Board, eliminating the stucco. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Recommend approval of the request 2. Recommend disapproval of the request 3. Recommend modification of the request 4. Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later date ATTACHMENTS: 1. Site Plan 2. Landscape Plan (2 pages) 3. Floor Plan 4. Elevations ITEM #7 Page 4 of 4