Number 19wit ` a AGENDA REQUEST FORM le A s , $ 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: May 22, 2001 ITEM # _l ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of terminating an agreement between the Texas Department of Transportation and the City of Coppell for the operation and maintenance of the traffic signal at the intersection of I.H. 635 and Belt line Road; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL DATE SUBMITTED B : Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. TITLE: Director of Engineerin /P orks STAFF COMMENT : In 1994 the City of Coppell entered into an agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the City to maintain the traffic signal at I.H. 635 and Belt Line Road. The intersection lies within the City of Coppell. The agreement between TxDOT and Coppell allows for the City to collect $1200 a year for the maintenance of the traffic signal. Recent discussions with personnel from the City of Irving ,dicate that they are having a difficult time coordinating the signal timing with Regent Blvd. and I.H. 635. he City of Irving is interested in taking over the operation and maintenance of the traffic signal at I.H. 635 and Belt Line Road. Upon review of their request, I have no objections to the City of Irving assuming the responsibility for the maintenance of that traffic signal. The distance from I.H. 635 to our nearest traffic signal at Lakeshore Drive doesn't impact the signal timing for motorists traveling southbound on Belt Line Road in Coppell. In accordance with Article 7, paragraph A.1. both parties can mutually agree to terminate the contract. TxDOT is agreeable to terminating the contract as evidenced by their letter of April 18, 2001 (copy attached). I also am agreeable to terminating the contract and turning the maintenance over to the City of Irving. The traffic signal at S.H. 121 and Denton Tap is also maintained by an entity other than Coppell. Attached to this agenda item is a letter written for the Mayor's signature that, in essence, will terminate the contract approved in 1994. Staff recommends the termination of the contract and the transfer of the operation and maintenance to the City of Irving. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. 9 BUDGET AMT. $ AMT. EST. $ FINANCIAL COMMENTS �\* DIR. INITIALS: Vy FIN. REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 5100 +\ -BID $ f; CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Document Name: #engl T H E G I T Y O F COFFELL �nk X^ S , a q May 22, 2001 Melanie Young, P.E. Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 13067 Dallas, TX 75313 -3607 RE: I.H. 635 / Belt Line Road Signal Light Operation and Maintenance Contract # 185 XXM 5005 Dear Ms. Young: In 1994, the City of Coppell entered into an agreement with TxDOT for the maintenance of the traffic signal at I.H. 635 and Belt Line Road. The City of Coppell Engineering Department has been approached by the City of Irving to relinquish the operation and maintenance of this traffic signal to the City of Irving. After consultation with the City of Coppell Engineering Department, the City of Coppell, by mutual agreement, does hereby request the termination of the contract between TxDOT and the City of Coppell dated July 12, 1994, Contract # 185 XXM 5005 effective June 1, 2001. If you should have any questions concerning this letter please feel free to contact Ken Griffin, P.E., Director of Engineering and Public Works, at 972/304 -3686. Sinc ly, ll � b(vm Candy Sheeh Mayor 255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 9721304 3673 T H E C 1 T Y O F COPPELL �r A10' F May 11, 2001 Melanie Young, P.E. Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 13067 Dallas, TX 75313 -3607 RE: I.H. 635 / Belt Line Road Signal Light Operation and Maintenance Contract # 185 XXM 5005 Dear Ms. Young: This letter is a follow -up to our telephone conversation on May 10, 2001 concerning the operation and maintenance contract between TxDOT and the City of Coppell for the traffic signal at I.H. 635 and Belt Line Road. Because the original contract # 185 XXM 5005 was approved by Council action and signed by the Mayor in 1994, I do need to take an agenda item ld for the May Council 22, 2001 recommend Countermination agenda. I the contract. That item has been prepared and is scheduled have prepared a letter for the Mayor's signature, which filth elimination contract by contract; however, the both parties. I do not anticipate any issues associated w official action will not take place prior to May 22, 2001. If you should have any questions concerning this issue or need any additional information please feel free to contact me at 972/304 -3686. Sincerely, Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. Director of Engineering/Public Works 255 PARKWAY * P.O.50X 478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 367 Texas Department of Transportation P.O. BOX 133067 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75313 -3607 • (214) 320 -6100 April 18, 2001 Control: 2374-7 - Highway: IH 635 Traffic Signal at Belt Line City of Coppell Dallas County Ms. Paula Crocker Engineering Department City of Coppell PO Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Ms. Crocker: The Texas Department of Transportation and the City of Coppell entered into an Agreement for the Installation and Reimbursement for the Operation and Maintenance of Traffic Signals Within a Municipality on August 22, 1994 for the traffic signal at IH 635 and Belt Line Road. As noted in attached letter from the City of Irving; TxDOT, Irving and Coppell agree it is in the best interest of all parties for Irving to maintain and operate this signal in order to optimize traffic progression along Belt Line Road. We are proposing to transfer all maintenance and operation responsibilities of this location to the City of Irving. Upon written receipt of your concurrence on this issue, we will modify our agreement with Irving to allow us to reimburse them for maintenance operation of this location. When the City of Irving agreement has been amended, the Agreement for the Installation and Reimbursement for the Operation and Maintenance of Traffic Signals Within a Municipality between the City of Coppell and TxDOT will be terminated in accordance with Article 7, paragraph A (1). Please respond to us on this issue by May 4, 2001. Feel free to contact, Ms. Melanie Young, P.E., (214)320 -6229, if needed. Attachment Sincerely, pp Terry M. Sams, P.E. Director of Transportation Operations An Equal Opportunity Employer March 2, 2001 Melanie Young, P.E. Texas Department of Transportation P.O. Box 133067 Dallas, Texas 75313 -3607 Re: IH635 and Belt Line Signal Maintenance Dear Melanie, TEXAS DEPAMMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MAR 0 7 2001 Dallas, lexas RECEIVED. The City of Irving and City of Coppell have agreed that in the best interest to motorists, one agency should maintain the signal at IH635 and Regent Blvd. As you are aware, Regent Blvd. is in Irving and IH635 is in and maintained by Coppell. It has become increasingly difficult to coordinate signal timing and maintenance efforts between the agencies. Mr. Ken Griffin, the Director of Public Works has consented to turning over maintenance efforts of IH635 to the City of Irving. Please prepare the necessary agreements regarding this matter and forward to the appropriate parties. Thank -you for your assistance and if you have any questions please feel free to call me at (972) 721 -2646 or email me at knlu;lins <<r�ei.ir�>ll�.tx.us. Respectively Submitted, Kathleen D. Mullins 3ost, P.E. Transportation Engineer CITY OF IRVING TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 152288, IRVING, TX 75015 -2288 • 825 W. IRVING BLVD, IRVING, TX 75060 972.721.2646 • FAX 972.721.3720 Mr. Ken Griffin, P.E. Director of Engineering and Public Works 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Belt Line and I.H. 635 Frontage Roads Dear Mr. Griffin: In 1998, the City of Irving and the City of Coppell completed a signalization project along Belt Line Road and Denton Tap Road. The project was very successful by greatly improving signal progression for motorist. Irving has had a lot of growth since 1998, and we have found that the cycle lengths for the AM and PM peak are not adequate in handling today's traffic volumes. We would like to increase the cycle lengths to better handle the existing traffic volumes. Since the referenced intersections are so close together, it is critical to coordinate Regent and IH635 frontage roads. I am sure you get as many phone calls as we do when these roadways get out of synch with each other. We would like to work with your technicians to increase the cycle length for IH635 frontage roads and Regent during the AM and PM peak. I offer to provide the signal timing and time -space diagram, and request your signal technicians put the timing into the controllers and assist in fine- tuning. 1 would also like to take this opportunity to propose that one city maintain these signals. It is difficult for both our representatives to coordinate efforts in keeping these intersections operating efficiently. It may be in the best interest of both cities and motorists if one agency manage and maintain the intersections. If you concur, Irving would be wil!;—, to take over the maintenance and manauement duties for IH635 frontage roads. Please give me a call at your earliest convenience to discuss these issues. Sincerely athleen D. Mullins .lost, P.E. Transportation Engineer CITY OF IRVING TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 152288, IRVING, TX 75015 -2288 • 825 W. IRVING BLVD, IRVING, TX 75060 972.721.2646 • FAX 972.721.3720