Number 12DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT This Development Agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into as of the f7 day of 1999 by and between the City of Coppell, Texas, a Texas municipality ( "City "), with an address of 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019, and the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas, a Texas non - profit corporation, acting by and through the Coppell Family YMCA ( "YMCA"), with an address of 146 Town Center Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. RECITALS: Whereas, the City is the current fee owner of that certain tract of land in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" (the "Easement Parcel"), which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes; and, Whereas, the YMCA is the current owner of that certain tract of land in the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas, as more particularly described in Exhibit "B" (the "YMCA Parcel"), which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, and the improvements thereon (the "YMCA Facility "); and, Whereas, the City has agreed to grant to the YMCA a use and construction easement over and across the Easement Parcel and the other rights set forth herein pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of Ten and no Dollars ($10.00) and the terms, provisions and covenants set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the City and YMCA hereby agree as follows: I. Grant of Parking Easement and Other Rights 1. The City, as the fee owner of the Easement Parcel, hereby grants and conveys to the YMCA, for the benefit of all present and future owners of the YMCA Parcel and their respective tenants, subtenants, lenders, successors, assigns, guests, agents, employees, licensees, and invitees (collectively, "YMCA Parties "), a permanent non - exclusive easement to use the Easement Parcel for the purpose of the construction, use and maintenance of a surface parking lot for vehicular access and parking (the "Parking Lot ") in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) The YMCA shall have the right (but without any obligation), for a period of six (6) months after the dated hereof (the "Construction Period "), to enter into the Easement Parcel and construct, or to engage third party contractors to enter onto the Easement Parcel and construct, in accordance with City Ordinances and private deed restrictions, on behalf of the Page 1 Agreement 28270 . f YMCA, the Parking Lot in accordance with the criteria set forth on Exhibit "C ", which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. The City shall reasonably cooperate with the YMCA and/or any contractor of the YMCA in constructing the Parking Lot, except that the cost thereof shall be borne by the YMCA. If the YMCA fails to complete the Parking Lot within the Construction Period, then the easement and rights granted in this subparagraph (a) shall terminate and be of no further force or effect. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Construction Period shall be extended for each day that construction of the Parking Lot is delayed, upon reasonable notice to the City, by weather conditions, material or labor shortages, and other factors beyond the YMCA's reasonable control. (b) Upon completion of the Parking Lot in accordance with the criteria set forth on Exhibit "C ", the City shall be responsible, at its sole costs, for all maintenance, operations and repairs, including, without limitation, lighting, irrigation and care of landscaping, resurfacing and re- striping of parking areas; provided, however, that the YMCA will assign to the City any construction warranties that may be provided to the YMCA by its third party contractors. The City covenants and agrees to perform its obligation under this subparagraph, without cost to the YMCA, in substantially the same manner, at substantially the same time intervals and with substantially the same diligence, as it does for other City -owned or managed parking lots. (c) Upon completion of the Parking Lot the City, the YMCA, and YMCA Parties shall have the joint, non - exclusive use of the Parking Lot for vehicular parking and YMCA facility located immediately to the south of the Parking Lot, respectively. Use of parking spaces shall be on a "first come, first serve" basis, and overnight parking or storage of vehicles or other equipment or items shall be prohibited. The YMCA's use and enjoyment of the Parking Lot shall be without cost to the YMCA (other than for the initial construction of the Parking Lot as set forth in Exhibit «C) (d) The City agrees not to construct or place any improvements or other obstructions on the Parking Lot or to otherwise interfere with the YMCA's use of the Parking Lot for the purposes contemplated herein. Agreement Page 2 28270 H. Reciprocal Grant of Driveway Access Easement A portion of the existing driveway entrance that provides access from the Town Center Boulevard to the YMCA Parcel is located on the Easement Parcel, as shown on Exhibit "D" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes (the "City - Owned Portion of the Driveway "). The City, as the fee owner of the Easement Parcel, hereby grants and conveys to the YMCA, for the benefit of the YMCA and all present and future YMCA Parties, a non - exclusive easement for vehicular ingress and egress over and across the City -Owned Portion of the Driveway between the YMCA Parcel and Town Center Boulevard, along with the exclusive right to pave and maintain the City -Owned Portion of the Driveway consistent with the driveways and parking areas located on the YMCA Parcel in accordance with the local development codes and ordinances. The City agrees not to construct or place any improvement or other obstruction on the City -Owned Portion of the Driveway or to otherwise interfere with the YMCA's use of the City - Owned Portion of the Driveway for the purposes contemplated herein. The YMCA's use and enjoyment of the City -Owned Portion of the Driveway shall be without cost to the YMCA. Likewise, the YMCA, as the fee owner of the portion of the existing driveway entrance from Town Center Boulevard to the YMCA Parcel that is not located on the Easement Parcel, as shown on Exhibit "D" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, hereby grants and conveys to the City a permanent non - exclusive easement for vehicular ingress and egress over and across that portion of the existing driveway entrance from Town Center Boulevard to the YMCA Parcel that is owned by the YMCA and reasonably necessary for vehicular ingress and egress between Town Center Boulevard and the Parking Lot (the "YMCA -Owned Portion of the Driveway "). The City's use and enjoyment of the YMCA- Owned Portion of the Driveway shall be without cost to the City. The foregoing easement granted to the City shall exist for so long as the YMCA's easement to use the parking lot exists. M. Local Regulations The YMCA hereby further agrees to comply with all applicable local development codes and ordinances; and, in addition YMCA agree to comply with private deed covenants or regulations applicable to such development as contemplated herein. IV. Successors And Assigns This Agreement and the rights, benefits, duties and obligations and the other terms and provisions set forth in this Agreement shall be convenants that run with and bind the Easement Parcel and the YMCA Parcel, respectively; provided, however, that after an owner shall have conveyed and transferred title to the Easement Parcel or the YMCA Parcel, as the case may be, such owner shall be released from any and all of the duties, obligations, and liabilities that accrue with respect to the particular Parcel conveyed and Page 3 Agreement 28270 transferred from and after the date of such conveyance and transfer, but such owner shall remain liable for the duties, obligations, and liabilities that accrued prior to the date of such conveyance and transfer. V. No Partnership This Agreement shall not create an association, partnership, joint venture, or a principal and agency relationship between the owner of the Easement Parcel and/or the owner of the YMCA Parcel. VI. Severability If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under present or future laws effective during the term of this Agreement, then the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law. VII. No Merger It is expressly understood and agreed that the easements, rights and privileges granted and conveyed herein shall not be merged or extinguished by reason of the fact that the legal or beneficial title to the Easement Parcel and the YMCA Parcel (or any interest therein or part thereof), as the case may be, is or may be vested in the same person or entity, except if said owner expressly states an intent for such merger to occur in a document filed of record. VIII. Amendment; Termination This Agreement may be modified, amended or terminated only upon the filing in the official records of Dallas County, Texas of an instrument executed by the current owner of the Easement Parcel and the current owner of the YMCA Parcel. IX. Prior Agreements This Agreement supersedes any and all prior agreements between the City and the YMCA regarding the Easement Parcel; however, in no event shall this Agreement supersede the YMCA's right to use any athletic field or city owned property as previously agreed by the City Manager, on behalf of the City, and the Executive Director, on behalf of the YMCA. Page 4 Agreement 28270 X. Governing Law This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and venue shall be in Dallas County, Texas. Executed and effective as of the date first set forth hereinabove. THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, a Texas municipality By: l Name: Title: STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this Alp day of 1999, by 4�4*ftrj •L -- -�i.". , ---J C- _ — �J of the City of Coppell, Texa , on behalf of said City. �\gBY Notary blic Signature (PERSONALIZ$� cr�st'R1�PVe4'L ,I,� S ••••�rFOFtE��g •�Ff111M. • �� ''�•.:'�- 2000,,.,•° Page 5 ilglcclllcln 28270 Executed and effective as of the date first set forth hereinabove. STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF DALLAS § YMCA OF METROPOLITAN DALLAS, a Texas non -profit corporation By: — L" Name: • I' *.N C1k Title: ?%44, ..twr This instrument was acknowledged before me on this -1 day of !� 1999, by ,�1,� LI A 1'�l�i, ,�Q n-1- of The YMCA of Metropoli an Dallas, a Texas non -profit corporation, on behalf of said corporation. (PERSONALIZED SEAL) Page 6 Notary Pubj c Signature DAWN M. LEWIS NOTARY PUBLIC l� State of Texas a't Comm. Exp 01 -29 -2002 Agreement 28270 Par way v i III I 11 I 111 I II-IT m m 0 4CX14r8i! /1 0 6 O O N .O O /,) Q C7----) 1 I I I I 1111 111111111 I I I I I I i i I I ITTIT71 liiii 0111v1EII -lIIIIII i Exhibit B YMCA Parcel [SEE ATTACHED] Parking and Access Agreement Page 7 D- 679743.1 Exhibit C The construction of the parking lot will meet all city requirements in terms of construction materials, site utilities, landscaping and irrigation. Exhibit D Existing Driveway (City -Owned Portion of Existing Driveway and YMCA -Owned Portion of Existing Driveway) [SEE ATTACHED] Parking and Access Agreement Page 9 D- 679743.1