Legal description LEASE S ('I'E
BEING a :tact c.f land ': .......
>,m.:,,.,~ in the J. M. Kenned;' Sup;e,.'...\bstract No. --"9 e,f Dallas County. Texas
being a Fot'tic:m of ti;at ocr;am tract described in SFeciai \\-'arrantv Deed 'x-ith Vendor's Lien to Ste'.'e
Kimbrel. Adrian F. Nle.ore. and l:flmnv J. E. Thc'mpson recorded in Volume 852 IS. Paae ~6a3 of :he Deed
Recor~:s ~;' I):EI:':s C,mnt','. Texas .md bein.z mere ?.articulari; described as foiiov.'s:
COMMENCING ;.it the nc-rtl:east corner t'.,f the sa:'e :md exzept portion c.f said ,teed re. corded in \-'c'.lu:lle
.q<21fi. Pace -'643 of the Deed Records of Dallas Count,,'. Texas:
THENCE. North. :63.66 ~'eet to ti:e beginning ,)t'a curve to. the le:'~ hav;ne :t central angle ,:'..~' '7;5 degrees 50
minutes 00 seconds and a radius of 300.00 feet:
Ti tENCE. :dong said curve :o the left an arc clist:mce ,:.'f :-.94 feet:
-1'HENCE. Nc'.rth 85 degrees 50 n:inutes O0 sczonds West. 130.35 Se-et:
THENCE. South "' de.~rees !,7) minutes 00 seconds West. 2'7.50 feet :o .'_he POINT OF BEGINNING:
-I'HENCE. North 35 degrees 50 minutes ()0 seconds West. 50.06 feet:
THENCE. Norm 0a degrees 10 minutes 00 seconds East. 50.00 feet:
THENCE. south fi5 cle~:rees 50minutes 00 seconds East. 50.!')0 feet:
THENCE. South {7;.4 de~rees :C minutes 00 secc'nds West. 57.00 feet k> :he POINT OF BEGINNING AND
CONT.\INING 2.500 SQU..XRE FIe!ET of \md.