CC approval on 2/8/00 ETING: February 8, 2000 ITEM ITEM CAPTION: PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1172, Starbucks Coffee Company, zoning change request from TC (Town Center) to TC-S.U.P. (Town Center, Special Use Permit) to allow the operation of a 2,485 square foot retail coffee shop with outdoor seating at 106 N. Denton Tap Road. a 0v 0 SUBMITTE~BY: Gary L. Sieb j TITLE~...~ Director of Planning and Community Services STAFF COMMENTS: ............ ' Date of P&Z Meeting: January 20, 2000 Decision ofP&ZCommission: Approved (6-0) with Commissioners Nesbit, McGahey, Kittrell, McCaffrey, Halsey and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed. Approval recommended, subject to the following conditions: , ~ o.....,~a,~ o~,..~.~, a .... ~ ....c .uo c..^~..~, c~.~ .uo a.~.,v o~.,.~,~ (CONDITION MET) Pr ..... a ............~ wood a~,. ~..a ..,~+e~.~. c..~. ....m, ..~+ u~.~...u~..~ ~°~ (CONDITION MET) 3) Signage to conform to City standards, allowing a white/translucent mylar film to be applied to the window, giving the glass a frosted/etched effect, using the "grow" pattern as shown to the Commission. Staff recommends approval of this request. DIR. INITIALS: ~~, FIN. REVIEW:(~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 2/99 Document Name: @S 1172 ATTACHED TO CITY OF COPPELL C,C. PACKET PLANNING DEPARTMENT / /oo STAFF REPORT ....... CASE NO.: S-1172, Starbucks Coffee Company P & Z HEARING DATE: January 20, 2000 C.C. HEARING DATE: February 8, 2000 LOCATION: 106 N. Denton Tap Road. SIZE OF AREA: Approximately 2,485 square feet of retail space. CURRENT ZONING: TC (Town Center) REQUEST: TC-S.U.P. (Town Center, Special Use Permit). APPLICANT: Starbucks Coffee Company Architect: 6116 N. Central Expressway CMA P.A. Suite 700 Water Gardens Place Dallas, Texas 75206 100 East 15t~ St., Ste. 105 (214) 265-7585 Ft. Worth, TX. 76102 Fax: (214) 265-1990 (817) 877-0044 Fax: (817) 877-0418 HISTORY: There has been no recent history on this parcel, although the Tom Thumb Center currently under construction is the major tenant in this development. TRANSPORTATION: Denton Tap Road is a P6D, six lane divided thoroughfare contained within a 110-foot right of way SURROUNDING LAND USE & ZONING: North- Coppell YMCA; "TC", Town Center South - strip shopping center, "C", Commercial East - single family residential; PD-166, (SF-7) West - strip shopping center; "C", Commercial COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan shows the property as suitable for neighborhood retail uses. Item # 9 DISCUSSION: This request for Special Use Permit would allow a Starbucks Coffee Store to locate at the northwest corner of this newly completed shopping center. When the original site plan was presented this retail space was envisioned to be a restaurant use, so staff has no objection to the proposal. We do, however, have concern regarding the outside patio/deck shown in this request (there was no exterior decking shown on the original plans), and its effect on the health of the Post Oak tree immediately adjacent. We also have concerns regarding a "mural" sign being proposed for the use. As many of you will recall, the overall development of the shopping center was criticized by some because of the removal of a grove of old Post Oak trees. Because of that community concern, the developer of this site hired an arborist to evaluate which trees might be retained. Among those recommended for conserving was the tree around which Starbucks wishes to place this wooden deck. The developer agreed to save this tree and in designing the retail building, cut the corner at a diagonal to protect the plant's root system from being disturbed. In addition, he placed fencing around the tree to further protect it from potential harm during shopping center construction. The tree is certainly an asset to the development, and our primary concern with this proposal is to ensure every opportunity is given for the tree's retention. Therefore, assurance from the developer that construction of this deck will not harm the tree's chance for survival is needed. In addition, this user is proposing a wall "mural" to cover the window area of one side of the space. Although the aesthetic value of the included examples of what this "mural" might look like could be questioned, a more serious concern relates to the fact that our sign ordinance is very clear in that no more than 10% of any window area may be covered by signage. This provision was written into the ordinance for several reasons, not the least of which addressed aesthetics and public safety issues. We cannot support the mural proposal. RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION: Staff recommends approval of this request subject to the following conditions: 1) provide structural drawings of the footing for the deck structure 2) provide a statement by a Certified Arborist that the addition of the wood deck and platform footing will not harm the tree 3) Signage conform to City standards, eliminate the mural ALTERNATIVES: 1) Recommend approval of the request. 2) Recommend disapproval of the request 3) Take under advisement for reconsideration at a later time. Item # 9 .~j~.FR~.~M : ~ ~ ~REEN [_qNDCARE G~Ri_AHD FA~< 149. : 972~4~B287 Jan. ll 2~ 12113PM P2 .. ~uGreen L~ndCare T Garland, TX 7504/ , 'l~l: flTJ,~lO-SR711 ~:, F~m: ~)72-840-898~ January lO, 2000 q igg ATTACHED TO The Richmond Group 12200 Stemmons Freeway C.C' PACKET Dallas, TX 75234 RE: Starbucks Coffee l D~R Cons~ction Coppell, TX Dear Mr. Quigg: I have reviewed the drawings for the ~sed deck and have insp~d the Post O~ (Quercus Phelles) jn question ~ the pro~rty referenced above. It is my opinion that the const~ction of the d~k will not negatively imp~t the hefllh of the:~::ee. The Construction t~iques ~at ~e most injurious to existing tr~s ~e grading (cutting and filling), water table fluctu~ions ~d removfl of the critical root zone mass (C~). The d~k drawings indicated the structural members ~e to be attached to ~e existing concrete foundation via a ledger ~ ~en attach~ to five foo~jng posts in ~he CRZ. Each f~ting will displace one (1) square foot of C~ for a tot~ of five (5) square feet. There is approximately 1 ,~20 square feet of C~ ~d the displ~ement represents less than .3% of the CRZ. The total deck coverage is ~pproximately 4~ square feet or approximately 26.9% of the CRZ. The deck coverage will not impact lhe CRZ, ~g it will allow for an adequate exchange of water, nutrienm and oxygen with the feeder toots. There has been extensive arboricultural work on thc tree and the irrigation system has been hand trenched around the pcrhneter of tko CRZ where disruption of the root zone occurred during the h~stallation of the road and building pad. Sprinkler heads within the CRZ also appear to have been placed by the accepted radial method of hand trenching wherein a minimum number of roots are severed. The CRZ will be covered with a 2"-3" layer of shredded hardwood mulch to minimize soil deposition and erosion and mitigate swbags in soil temperature regimes. It is also my understanding that the pr<,p~ety o~vner will employ fl~e .qervices of a rc.putable arboricultural firm to monitor and ma/n, tain this tree ~ well as the other on site trees upon completion of the project and for a period of two years after final ucceptance. x: .f~M : TRdP~REEN L~NDC~RE 5ARL~ND F~X ND. : aT~B40_~_~B7 Jan. ll ~00a I~:14PM P3 Please feel free to call mc if you have any questions. Sincerely, TruGreen-LandCare Kurt Holcomb Certified Arborist TX 1019 KH/hs CC: Marc Fanderburk, ASLA File DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE LEISURE SERVICES COMMENTS ITEM: Starbucks Coffee Company, Zoning Change DRC DATE: December 28, 1999 and January 6, 2000 CONTACT: Brad Reid, Park Planning and Landscape Manager COMMENT STATUS: PRELIMINARY F4NA4= ,/ p,E~SED The large tree shown at the drive intersection is protected by the Coppell Tree Preservation Ordinance. The health of this tree may be affected by this development. The developer shall ensure that this tree is to be minimally impacted by this develotnnenL The services of an arborist should be contracted by the developer to consnlt before and during construction with regard to safety of the tree. It appears that the deck structure has been designed to minimize potential impact on the critical root zone of the tree. The construction techniques used for the deck, and preservation techniques used on this tree will be closely monitored. Mitigation for this tree may be required per Section 34-B of the Zoning Ordinance if it is determined the tree has Iittle chance of survival after develop~nent or if the tree should die within a two year period of the completion of construction. JAN ~4 2OO DRC1228h ATTACHMENTS: 1) Site Plan 2) Floor Plan 3) Storefront Elevations and Signage 4) Deck Details 5) Letter from Arborist 6) Photos of existing murals 7) Departmental Commems (Leisure Services) Item # 9 Regarding Starbucks Coffee Company Second Surface Mural The following photographs are examples of different sign types and window treatments used by Starbucks Coffee Company. The "Second Surface Mural" that is proposed for the Coppell Store is not shown in these photographs. The Coppell Mural would not contain the Starbucks logo or identifiable trademarks. The intent of this mural is to screen the view from the patio seating into the restrooms when the doors are opened. The material in this installation would be translucent allowing light and some visibility through it and not opaque as seen in the photographs.