Letter re deck/saving Oak tree'FROM : TR%'IGREEN LqNDCgt~:~ Gt::IRU::tND FAA NO. : :37~84053287 3ar-,. 11 ~088 I~:!.3PM P;'
TruGreen L~udCare
TRUGREEN Land ar¢"'
Garland, TX ?~04
F;m: 972-840-828~
January 10, 2000
Mr. Hank Quigg
The Richmond Group
12200 Stemrnons Freeway
Suite 317
Dallas, TX 75234
RE: Starbucks Coffee / D~ck Construction
Copp~ll, TX
Dear Mr. Quigg:
! have reviewed the drawings for the Frolx~sed deck and have i
Oak (Quercus Phellos) in question at the pl~p~rty referenced above. It is my opinion that
the construction of the d~ck will not negatively impact the health of the t:'~e. The
construction t~chniques that ~u-e most injurious to existing tr~es ~ grading (cutting and
filling), water table fluctuations and removal of the critical root z~ne mass (CRZ). The
d~k drawings indicated the structural members a~ to b~ attached to the existing concrete
foundation via a ledger and tl~n attached to five footing posts in the CRZ;. Each footing
will displace hue (1) squg¢ foot of CRZ for a total of five (5) square feet. There is
approximately j 1720 square feet'of CRZ and the displacement represents less than .3% of
"I'he total deck coverag~ is approximately 464 squarc fe~t or approximately
the'CRZ. The deck coverage will not impact the CRZ, ,x~ it will allow for an
exchanee of water, nutrients and oxygen with the feeder roots. ., _. ~
o t' '2.CC'~-' ~ ~""'~ ---
There has been extensive arboricultural work on the tree and th~ irrigation system
has been hand trenched around the pcriraeter of the CP, Z where disruption of th~ root
zone occurred during the installation of the road and building pad. Sprinkler heads
within the CRZ also appear to have been placed lay the accepted radial method of hand
trenching wherein a minimum number of roots are severed. The CRZ will b8 covered
with a 2"-3" layer of slu-edded hardwood mulch to minimize soil deposition and erosion
and mitigate swings in soil temperature regimes. It is also my understanding that the
pror~ety owner will ~nuph'~y the ~erviees of a reputable ~mrboricult,.lra] firm to monitor and
maintain this.tree as well as the other on site trees upon completion of the project and for
a period oiCi~ years after final acceptance.
'FROM : TRUGREEN ~P~DC~RE G~RL~ND FAX NO. : 97~84B8~07 Jan. 11 ~0~ l~:14PM P5
Please feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Kurt Holcomb
Certified Arborist
TX 1019
CC: Mare Funderburk, ASLA