Letter re rescheduling CC mtg.March 3, 1988
Ms. Judy Parsons
102 Meadowcreek Road
Coppe] 1, Texas 75019
Dear Judy:
Due to an error in advertJgoment for the above ment!oned zoning case,
this item must be rescheduled. ZC-509 was orginally scheduled for the
March 8, 1988, City Council meetfng; however, due to a mistake in the
ad, which describes the property ss; "East of Denton Tap Road and north
of Bethel School Road". This case must be rescheduled to the April 12,
1988 City Council docket.
Please accept our apologies for a~v inconvenience this act]on may have
46.-00~.= if you have any
caused you. Please contact me at (214) ~ oo
~uestions regarding this matter.
Taryon Paster Bowman
P & Z Coordinator