PD89-CS 800325 FILE COPY AN ORDINANCE OF THE ~ITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING OI~DINANCE OF THE CITY, AS HEP. ETOFO}{E AMENDED, SO AS TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION ON THE P}{OPE}{TY HE}{.E- INAFTER DESC}{IBED AND DESIGNATED; PROVIDING A }{EPEALING CLAUSE; P}{OVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE: PROVIDING PENALTIES FO}{. VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SlIM OF TWO HUNDRED DOLLA}{S /$200.00~ FO}{ EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHE}{EAS, the City Zoning Commission of the City and the governing body of the City, in compliance with the laws of the Stote of Texas with reference to the granting of zoning chanties unde~ the zoning o~dinsnee 8nd zonin~ maD, have ~{ven requisite notices by publication and otherwise, ond hsve held due hesrinffs that have afforded a full and fair hearing to all DrooerW owners Fenera!]y and to the persons interested in the area and situated in the area, and WHE}{EAS, the Cit}? Council is of the opinion that the zoning, chanF, e set forth herein on app]icstion of Cadco, Inc. should be aranted and i, the exercise of its legislative discretion the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance should be ome~ded to petTect such change. NOW THE]~EFO1RE; BE IT OI~DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION ~.. That the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City ~e, and the same is hereby amended by ame_ndin~ the zoning mad of the City, so as to ~ive the following described property located within the corporate limits of the City, the zoninF, district classification as hereinafter designated: Change said Dropertv From its p, esent zonin~ district classification to "PD" P]anne~ Development District Classification subject to the Site Plan attache(~ hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purnoses. Said DroDert¥ ctescr~herl as follows: BEING a tract of land in the J. W. AnOerson Survey, Abstract No. l g an~ all of the J. D. Thompson ~1..~6 acre tract as recorder' in Voh,me 487, Page 4]8, Deed Records of Dallas Count-~, Texas, an(~ the J. ~. Kirk]and tract as recorded in Volume ROT, Page 5?7, Deed ]~ecords, Dallas County, Texas, and being partieu].ar]v described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the e~.st line of Cor~pe~ ]~oad, south 0 ~e~. ]6' 4~1" E. a distance of ~40.0 feet from the intersection of the east line of CopDel] Road and the south line of Kaye Street; THENCE east a distance of 938.80 feet to a point for corner; THENCE north 89 deg. 0P' 30" E. a distance of 17~9.5.87 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE south 0 deg. 35' 00" E. a distance of 6~4.30 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE north 86 de~. ~7' 00" E. a distance of 483.07. feet to a Dolnt in the west line of Bethel l~.oad; THENCE south '~ deg. 50' 30" E. along the said west line, ~. distance of 305.35 feet to a point fo~ corner; THENCE south 89 deg. 39' 30" ~'. 8 distance of 89..g.33 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE south 0 deg. 4]' ]!" E. a distance of ~d~.4~ feet to a Doint for cor~er; THENCE south 89 deg. 28' ?7" W. a distance of 674.~6 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE south ] deg. 30' 39" W. a distance of 905.4! feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE north 89 deg. 36' ?0" W. a distance of 388.68 feet to a Doint for corner: THENCE south ~ deg. ~6' 59" W. a distance of ]51..0 feet to a point for corner; THENCE south 89 deg. 49' 57" ~. a distance of 4.0,°.34 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE no~th 33 dee. 55' 43" E. a distance of ?.~6.3~ feet to a DOdOt for corner; THENCE north 0 deg. 37' 4~" W. a dist8~ce of 315.83 feet to ~ Doint for corner: THENCE north 0 ~eg. 07' 56" ]^~. ~ ~ista. nce of .~8.10 feet to a Doint for corner; THENCE north ~7 de~. 57' 56" W. a distance of ~3.q.~4 feet to ~ Do{oF for corner; THENCE north I deg. 00' 00" E. a distance of 973.9~ feet to a Do{oF for corner..' THENCE north 88 deg. 3]' 59" W. ~ distance of ~d3.87 Feet to a point in the east line of Coppe]I Road; THENCE north 0 de~. _16' 4]', ~. a]on~ the said east line ~ d{st~nce of 301.?? fe~t to the PLACE OF F~ECINNINC ~nd cont~inin~ 55.~d ~cres of ]~nd more or ]ess. SECTION 2. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the orovision of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, reDea!ed and a].~ other ordlnanees of the City not in conflict with the Drovisions of this ordinance sba]] remai~ in full force and effect. SECTION 3. That the above described property shall be used on}v in the manner and for the Durposes p~ovided for in the Comprehensive Zoo{rig Ordinance of the City, as amended herein by the ~'anting of this zoning classification. SECTION 4. That sboul.a anv pa~aFl'.raD~, sentence, subdivision, clause, Db~ase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or he_]r~ to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same shall not affect the va!iditv of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part so dee~ded to be invalid, ille~'a] or uncon- stitutional and shall not affect the validity, of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as ~ whole. SECTION 5. That an~' person, firm or corporation violating anv ef t~e D-OVisions or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalts~ as Drovided fo~ in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the Cit.v, as heretofore amended, and u~)on con- viction sha]_{ be Dunlshed by fine not to exceed the sum of t~,o h~md~ed do]Jars for eaeb offense, and that each day such violation sHa_~3 continue to exist shall eonstit~,te a separate offense. SECTION 6. It is necessary to ~ve the Dropert.v ~eserihed herein the above mentioned zoning classification in orde~ to Dermit its proper ~eve]oproent and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and genera] welfare of the O'{tv. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately from and after its passage and {~ub}ieation of its caption, as the la~., in sueb cases Drovides. DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppe]l,Te×as, on the 25th day of March, 1980. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: