PD90-CS 801203 CI1YOF COPPELL PLANNING AND ZONII~G COh~MISSIOI4 CI'£Y IIALL COPPELL: 'rE×AS APPLICAI'ION FOIl ZO]~ING CHANGE 12-3-80 LEGAl, DESCR]1?TION OF PI~OPEI~T'5~ SOUG!IT TO B]C I~EZONED: (If additional si)ace is needed for description, the description may be put on a separate sheet and attached hereto.) :~ ' ' --' '~ /2 .... r- .Z .. I hereby request that the above described property be changed from its presen~ zoning which is ~' / ' : ../Y~ District Classification to a B,, ~~, ~ [ ,~,/~. ~. ~, V ~ .in ~ /~-~ Dish'ict Classification for the~ollowing rea:ohs: ' ~t' ~ ' /~, /" -7'/7 (ARE) DEED RESTRICTIONS PEI~TAINING TO THE INTENDED USE 0F THE TttERE (ARE NOT) PROPERTY. STATUS OF APPLICANT: Owner Tenant Prospective Purchaser .. I have attached hereto as Exhibit "A" a Plat showing the property which is the subject of th~s re- quested Zoning' chang'e and have read the following note concerning the importance of my submit- ting' to the City a sufficient legal description. ~0~ ~ ~ ~pplicant NOTE: The legal descripUon is use~t6 p~B~sh notice of the required hearings and in the prepara[ion of the final ordinance ~rantin~ the zoning' change. The description mus~ be sufficien~ so as to allow a qualified surveyor to take the description and locate and nmrk off the tract the ground. Each applicant should protect himself by having a surveyor or his attorney approve his legal description. Failure to do so by the applican~ may result in delay in passage of the final ordinance or the ordinance bein~ declared invalid at some later date because of an insufficien~ legal description. (The followin~ Certificate may be used by the applicanfi to give notice to the City of the sufficiency of the legal description, however, the same is not a requirement of the Application.) CER TIFf CA T~ I hereby certify Umt I have checked the legal description of the property described in this Applica- tien and the same describes the trac~ of land shown on the Plat attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and said description is sufficient to allow qualified Surveyor to l~ate and mark off said trac~ on the Surve~o~ br Attorney for Applicant {~Iark out one)