PD108-AG 890228stBMI~sION DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. Monday - 8 Days Preceding City Council Meeting Rev.: Effective 1/20/88 AGENDA REQUEST FORM FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING: FelE1larv ZS. 1989 r I. REF/FILE NUMBER : II. ITEM CAPTION , III. ACTION RECO~~ : ~te of IV~ REP. IN A~E~CE A: STAFF- B V. NOTIFICATION TO : METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM N~A : YES NO 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNTFORTHIS ITEM : 4. AMOUNT OVER OR UNDER BUDGET : 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED'~ : YES NO SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS' : (Seriee or year authorized) : OPERATIN~ BUDGET (Account Number) OTHER APPROVED BY CITY HANAGE~c ITEM NUNBER AGENDA REQUEST FORM DMEMOI February 20, 1989 MEMORANDUM TO: Alan D. Ratliff, City ManaGer R. Doyl~jE., City EnGineer FROM: Russell RE: ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARING FOR CASE #PD-108 SPRINGS OF COPPELL FOR CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 28,1989 (SEE ATTACHED AD) The SprinGs of Coppell is one of the applications that was put on a "Fast Track" process. The notice of application was received some ten (10) days after the Staff deadline (i.e. 30 days before the scheduled Planning and Zoning meetinG), for the February 16, 1989 PlanninG and Zoning Commission meetinG; however, with still enough lead time for the legal requirements on notifying property owners (within 200 feet) to be met. At the same time, Staff set up for the subject notices so the zoning case and the preliminary plat, if approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission on February 16, 1989, could be considered at the very next regularly scheduled City Council meetinG, (February 28, 1989). Additionally, to comply with this "Fast Tracking", and to maintain Staff review and any necessary revisions, etc., for compliance to the City's ordinances, Regulations and Standards: special Development Review Committee meetings were scheduled. The day before the scheduled PlanninG and Zoning Commission meeting of February 16, 1989, the applicant requested that the zoning case's public hearing be continued to the March 16, 1989, PlanninG and Zoning meetinG, and the related preliminary plat under consideration, be continued to the same meetinG. On February 16, 1989, the Planning and Zoning Commission continued the public hearing and denied the preliminary plat, both to be heard and considered at their March 16, 1989 meeting (See attached sheet - only two (2) individuals appeared regarding these two items). Therefore, the zoning case #PD-108, and related preliminary plat, have not been considered by the Planning and ZoninG Commission, and can not be recommended for City Council consideration at this time. It is Staff's recommendation to post this as an agenda item vis a vis just an announcement by the Mayor, so that Citizens reviewinG the agenda prior to the meeting will: (1) see reference to the advertised public hearinG; and, (2) will not be inconvenienced and can decide whether or not to attend the February 28, 1989 City Council meetinG, as originally advertised in the public notice. This case will be re-advertised when scheduled for City Council consideration. Hopefully, no one will be inconvenienced, nor caused discomfort in this effort of "Fast Tracking", and related necessary adjustments, due to their typical occurrences within the development process. RRD/lsg MEMOPD1.08 ~-eUruary. 10 COMMUNITY ¢;ti.,,.' Adeoc4te February 10, 1989 FIEDS o,her opinion concerning Honor Roll CLASS! the proposed zoning change Vic Vannatta, Kelley Whiffs' request by letter .addressed from pale 8 and NicoleWright. to the City of Coppell, Plan- ning Department, P. O. Box Twelfth Grade, ~ ~"~192 J~l ~ ~I)AC~ 478, Coppell, Texas 75019. Eleventh Grade 2t,2-17 A Honor Roll A Honor Roll Kelly Clay, Shanna~ Hem CHILD CARE HOUSECLEANING REAL ESTATE SouellaEric Lance,Music. Siv Lauv and derson,McCradyTimiandlaCksO~,Deitra Polk.Richard B Honor Roll B Honor Roll Tracey Black, Alem Bouka- Shannon AIIbright, Melan- Babysitting in my home. doum, Jodi Burton, Chris ie Barr::t, Cynthia Bellomy, Good references. Lots of ex- M.S.I., Inc. 13urton, ~ Raquel Carrizales, Gregory Blackard, Lawrence perience. Love children. Prolessional Maid Service Joy Christopherson, Pamela Bloom, Dustin Clark, Suzanne - Ages 18 mos. through 4 yrs. 462-8138 Cox, Lisa Eskue, Roy Foster, Crittenden, Cassie Dane, Liza For more information, call Includes Laundry Kimberly Frank, Melissa Diaz, Anh Hang, Leslie Hin- Robin at 471-3908 in Coppell. Call now for free estimate. C~rau, Tracie HUnnicutt, son, Misty Jackson, Michael . Michael Hutney, Vicki James, ladlot, Karen Kithcart, Davin Put your classified ad here Tobi Johnson, Courtney Lee, Jessie Lewis, Luke Mai- FREE Joyner, Brandi Kasberg, Chris- linson, Stanley Mathew, Rich- through the mouth of for the construction of single- topher Kryzak, Sung Lee, ard Media. a, Andrea Melick, family homes, on property Monique Lunsford, Roger Karen Nave, Jamie Neal, February. Ca11462-8192. generally described as roi- 505 Shadowcrest--Opeu Martin, Marc Matney, Teddy Rhonda Nisbett, Klm Ouzts, lows: Near the southwest Sat., 2-S. 3-2-2 Flair, 2 LA, Metcalf, Jennifer Nieder- Angella Pustejovsky, Amanda corner of Coppell Road and II. corner lot, formal dieing kom, Jennifer Orman, Marci Riley, Suzanha Roils, Aimee Sandy Lake Road. All in- rm. II- country kit. WalkinI Paschal, Troy Patterson, Bren- Strudwick, Karen Vinson, EMPLOYMENT terested citizens of the City distance to school. Priced da Priebe, Jason Rahn, Sujata Sabara Walker, Jason White, of Coppell and other par- to sell $79,900. Richard, Raju, Carlos Sabate, Danielle Jamie Wright and Kenneth OPPORTUNITIES ties of interest are invited to 462.8~O7. attend this public hearing Stantic, Tomeka Thomas, Zosel. and participate in the same. Excellent pad-time mncome Any citizen of the City or i Choice Coppell morning auto other party of interest may ! routes for OallasTimes Her-alsoexpresshisorheropinion I ~4~. aid available. $500 to $600 concerning the proposed per month for a few hours per zoning change request by day. Call 790-2822. fr letter addressed to the City La Petite Academy, Coppell, ment, P. O. Box 478, Cop- . .~-' J _ ti~. now interviewing for full and pell, Texas 75019. part-time positions, 393-1272. 2t,2-17 line Celimu EJemee/ary 5c&oo! NOTICE . + ..... . '-~-. - - ~ OF PUBLIC HEAmNC Fabulous Friday Las Colinas Menu Le m The city Counci, o, the city 41& GreenddRe-- Cramp of Coppell will hold a public custom, 2 LA, spa w/deck, Night, February 10 Notice hearingon the 28th day of beadol Imlt teee~ Wa' to . · Febl~ary 13-17, ~ February, ~1989, at 7:30 p.m. parle. Motivated seile~. ~*he e~'ci'ee~ltefit Is ~ in the Coppell Town Center, LGM, 462~45& or 4~2.8~07. lng at Las CoNnas i~ anti-' BREAKFAST " for consideration of a zoning cipatioll Of one of the high- tVio~day: Juice, Smokie change, Case IPD-10~, on lights o~ the ye. ar--Fa]~-. Li~k, Pancakes, Syrup iNVITATION TOBID 115 (+/-) acres, from PD- IOUS Friday Night--to. be Tuesday: Juice, Cheese Coppell IndePendent School Recreation Center, tolPD)for Fire Chief held on F~lay evemni, TOaSt, Milk (O) Office, (Ri Retail, lC) from page 3 FebrIJary 10, from 6:00 Wednesday: Juice, Pan- District, 1201 Wrangler Drive, Commercial and ILl)- Light p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Faro- cakes, Syrup, Milk Coppell, Texas 75019, will Industrial, for the develop- center, were involved in a i lies of Las Colinas students Thursday: Fruit, Sausage receive bids for the paving, merit of institutional, office, special orientation of the will ~ather for an eetmir~ Pattie, Biscuits, Jelly, water, sanitary sewer, and retail, commercial and in- applicants, given a chance to of food and fun~ Anethnic Milk drainage of Parkway Boule- dustrial facilities on i~roper- question the applicants and food dish Ii~ou~ht to share. Friday: Juice, Homemade yard and the high school ty generally described as present their assessment of will serve as the admission Cherry Crumbcake, Milk access road. For details and follows: the candidate's qualifica- fee and wiilbe sewed in LUNCH specifications contact lorry tion5 to the City Manager. the cafete~a, to the olhe~ Monday: Steak Finger, Parche' at/317-467-2418. Bids ~1,206 (+/-) feet on the west Each of the four candidates fait~ilies who attend. ' Gravy or Ravioli Cas- will be opened at 2:00 P.M. side of Denton Tap Road on on Friday, February 24, 1989, the north side of the Cotton- had to prepare a written re- · Through. llhe .planning se~ole, Garlic Toast in the board room of the Cop- belt Railroad, 3,150 (+/-) feet spouse andan oral presenta- of the I~A Boned ahd the Tuesday: Fried Chicken, pell I.SD. Administration on the south side of Bethel tion of their response to a generosity of the c°mmun''* : Gravy, Roll, or BBQ Rib Building. The right to reject Road (save and except 750 panel of experts composed ity, this schOol even~t ...P~Lom' onBun . any and/or all bids is re- (+/-) feet of outparcels of a local Fire Chief, a Re- ises to be one o~ thel~st Wednesday: Sau~ag~hP~z- served. Bids will be consid- fronting on Bethel Road that 8ional Manager for the In- Family Ni~hBl ever, :Mis. ' zaorSteakSandwic ered on Monday, Februarf 27, are in assorted other owner- ternational Conference of Kathy Lancaster, PTA Pi~- Thursday: Hambul~.~' 1989, at 7:30 P.M. in the ships), and approximately Building Officials, and an ident, explainc~l that Ibis .. . Bun or BBQ on Bun ' Coppell I.S.D. Administration 1,700 feet along the east side Assistant Director of the year the PTA Board'mem- Friday: Mexican Jambala- Building. of Coppell Road (save and Fire Protection Training Df- bers working with the room yaorMana&,er'sSurprise -. 2t,2-17 except 600 (+/-) feet ot out: vision at Texas A & M Uni- mothersof theclasses have SECONDARY LUNCH ° parcels fronting on Coppell versiW, planned an exceptional Monday: Chicken NUlil- NOTICE Road that are in assorted "As a result of this process, evening. Credit is due to gets, Gravy, Homemade OF PUBLIC HEARING other ownerships). The Chief Kilcrease is wholeheart- these parents and teach- Wheat Roll southern line is approximate- edly endorsed and~elcomed ers who have wod~ed in Tuesday: Valentine's Day The City Council of the City Iy 3,500 feet along the Cot- by all members o~ the Cop- planning the event: Ann Bowl of Texas Red, of Coppell will hold a public tonbeltRailroad, pell Fire Depamnent, as well Hossley, Vicky Shipman, ~adeCombread hearing on the 28th day of as other members of the Cop- tickets and prizes; Joan Wednesday: Sausa&,e February/89 at 7:30 p.m. in All interested citizens of the the Coppell Town Center, for City Of Coppell and other pull executive staff." Kilanowski, publicity; Pizza consideration of a zoning parties of interest are in- Kilcrease plans to begin Carol Hutchins, PE teach- Thursday: Fajitas change, Case #ZC-516, vited to attend this public work by March l, 1989. er Sherri 6dart, gym games; Friday: . Cheesy Stuffed Shadow Woods Estates, at hearing and participate in coutinU~d on pale12 Potato the request of Thomas and the same. Any citizen of Katherine McHaie, from the City or other party of in- (R-Retail) to (SF-7), to allow terest may also express his