PD103-NR 870810August I0, 1987
Coppell City Council
City Town Centre
Coppell, Texas 75019
RE: PD 103 )
Dear Councilmen:
I strongly oppose the zoning request change proposed by UNIVEST on
the property north of Parkwood in the Parks of Coppell.
It is my understanding that most of these front entry lots will only
require a 15 to 20 foot building line. On rear entry homes, this
would be acceptable, however, on a front entry, automobiles will pro-
trude almost to the sidewalk, impeding the appearance and safety of
the neighborhood.
My wife and I, as well as many other Coppell residents, made our
decision to move to thls city primarily because of the stringent
building codes. It was quite apparent that Coppeil had a plan
for growth, and in this plan were safeguards built in to protect the
aesthetics of our community.
I have seen the city council in action, protecting our city from high
density housing to inferior elevations on many commercial and retail
structures. I do not see the need to make an exception for this
developer to build homes with front entry garages on very small lots
with short building lines.
It is obvious to me, that the developer is pushing for as high a
density as possible in this particular land tract for the sole purpose
of additional profits. (Land that has been used once to sell dirt and
then written off as unuseable because of the flood plain) Our cur-
rent building standards were established to help our city grow uni-
formly. This is one time we should stand firm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heal ~urbaugh
371Harwetl St.
Coppeli, Texas 75019