FAX re LS deficit 2143619906
Date: 17 October 2001
To: Morci O~amond
Company: City of Copl::>ell ~ Planning
From: Ky~e A. Bruns
Via: 972,304.3570
Reference: Town Center Lot 4 - Coppell Retail (SIIverthorn)
Job No: 9950
The owners of the property hove informed me that they hove agreed to a lease with Chtli's Grill
and Bar for 3500 S.F. of the center. This would require and acl(31tional 2 spaces for parking.
Knowing we are +_I00 S.F. short of land~ape we previously removed the drive-thru isle (]nd
replaced it with parking, getllng us ClOSer to the required landscape. However with the addition
of the 2 spaces we are back to being ±75 S.F. short, but closer to the requirement than we were
Please look over our intended plans and Inform me of any issues the cily would take exception
Best regards.
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6500 Greenvll~ Ave. Su~e 307 DO~3lo/-X 75206 214.3{)1,9~11 FOX 361.9~6 ~a~rtCoclrChffecfure.c. om