PD103-CS 871019October 19~ 19867
Ms. Tary~ ~u~
Planning Director
City of Cop~ll
255 Parkway ~ulevard
Co~ll, Texas 75019
~ar ~. ~n,
This letter is to ~nfi~ the actions taken by the City C~ncil on ~to~r
13, 1987, relat~ to ~enda Items 15, 16 and 23. It is ~e understanding of
~e venturers of T~ Parks of C~ll Joint Venture that:
1. It~ 15 - C~sideration of a Z~i~ Change for ~103 was
tabled until the C~ncil M~ting of ~v~r 10, 1987.
2. Item 16 - C~sideration of a prelimina~ Dlat for ~ke Park
~dition ~s ~nied with~t prejudi~. This it~ ~n ~
reconsidered ~ ~v~r 10, 1987, by the City C~ncil with-
~t ~turni~ to the Planning and Z~ing ~ission ~d ~
additional fees will ~ re~ired to ~ so.
3. Item 23 - C~sideration of ~proval of ~e ~nation of ~
~proximately 32.2 acre lake and ~rk site to the City was
tabled until ~v~r 10, 1987.
Please let ~ know at your earliest ~nvenien~ if any of the foregoing is
~t accurate. Ai~, ~ ~half of T~ Parks of C~ll Joint ~nture, ~is
is to re,est ~at the three items ~ntioned ~ve ~ ~nsidered in the
~ollo~ng order on ~v~r 10, 1987:
1. Park ~nation Agree~nt
2. Z~ing ~se ~-103
3. ~eliminary Plat for ~ke Park Additi~
Please let ~ know if y~ ~ve amy ~nts or ~estions. T~ you for
y~r ~ration.
~ve Ridleg ~
Vice ~esident
cc: Mike Allen
12770 COlT RD. · SUITE 1215 · DALLAS, TEXAS 75251 · 214/233-5771