PD97-CS 850122 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE .x..,, C,i{t.~l:X -x..xC[: C'F '! !~E C.I] Y CF COPPELL, 'rEx 4S, A.viE,,DI,.N& l'hE CO.~,JPREHE,.N'Si\'E ZO.~;iNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY CT: COPPELL, TEXAS, AS HEI? £'IOFC;RE. ~'LNi:EP,.,. ~., TO C~ A,.NGE.. Tp.E ZO~'ING O.,X ]H£ n'E~:iEhN'Ai-'TEI~ DESCP, IBED PROPERTY TO THE NE~x ZONI?.'G CLASSIFICATION liEREI~ S'IA]ED; PROVIDII'-;(; A REPEALINC CLAL-S~.; Pi~OX'IDI.KG A SE\'ERABILIT¥ CLAUSE; PRO\,'ID1NG PP.,NAL'IlES _vOK VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE i~O'I TO EXCEED ]hE SU¥] O.g ONE THOUSA,~;D D~L~..-~,RS (61.066.(!0) POR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AS ,.FF,~CTIVE [;ATE. WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commissior, and the Governin~ Bocy of ti,e City of C.'oapeii, -ie.,:r.,s, i~; ..... ~,_~an( ....... · the laws of the State of -texas with[e~er.~r..~.'" ~ ,,,,~ 'co t.~c. ×:AEdF,- O. ZO:;il:-ehar, zes uric, er the zor~ir:~ ordinar...ce anc zoning map, have ~iven l"eaui$ite ~ ,,o.~_ pdu~ation ar, el otherwise, ar:..c after l~olcing cue l~earino_'s anc a,:'forcinz a full -a;;c fair hearing to all prooerty owners generally, the saic Goverr, in~ ~-;ocy is o;' t;~e o~ir, ior. mat ~aic eaar;.~e of zoning or~ or., application of Tri~tm- Tomi~ins Jeint Venture si-:ou}z be graF, tee ar.,d the Corr. prehensive Zoning Ordinance cf the City o1 Coo.Dell s~oulc ~ ~,c.~e in the exercise of its legislative discretion: NO~*,, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI-IE CITY 2~i-' CG PPELL, ~,-.,~k.,,x 1. Ti;at the ,_ om areher:sive Zoning Or~i~anee of the City o/' Coppell, 'i',~×.._. ~..,~ ~)e a~.c.~ t ,e s~.r..,e is hereav aw, encee oy amenGing the Zoning \:ap of t:,~-,~ City o; C'opaeli, to zit. e the hereinafter deserit)ecJ property a new zoning district classification, tc,-;':i~: "PD(R)" Planne~ Development District Retail Yhe ~-'~e~'r, ec. 2, e;'ei.:~)n'er~t .Li~trict shail b~ subjec~ ~c t~e CDr;cad,ual Plan attae~,ec :,~rete ~s Exi~iOi~ ":~" ~r,.c ~:ace a Dart hereof. 'lhe Plannec ['evelean;e~tt [,istriet shall also comply with the followin?oeveioDment r-e~uiremet;t3: ..~eneral purpose eric Oeserimtion: As in the"R" Retail District this Plant, e6 Development ;,e~ai] l';ist~'iet is i~,te~(,ec for veiffhborhooe shopDin~ facilities which 3rovioe ]in,itec Dullness seI't'i¢.e ~ir, c c:ffi~-.? I'~eilitie~ mr'ooon'ir,t,telv for' t.,~ c'o~,,'(-T.iet':ec' o: resiaents of t ~ (zori'mdl:it~. 1. Size o!' Yarcs: (a) Front X, ar'd: ','~inimum recuirec setback, thirty f;lf') foet. with ir'ont ya[c parking. ]f f:'o~.l yard parkir','- is utilized, thor. aiy. i'. (~;~:) zeet front yarc ~t,tih ce ~' (o) Side Yarc: (Adjacent to a street or property lit,e); mir, ir~.um requirec, thirty (3t~) feet. (c) Sioe ~'arc: (Interior): r:one. (c) Rear ~arc: ~inimum requirec, ter, (](l) feet unless ~o.iaee~,t to resioential zoning district, in wilieh ease t'e,'enty (21,) fee~ minimum sim]] be observec. 2. Siee of lot: (a) Lot Area: none. (b) Lot ~ idth: none. (c) Lot DeDth: none. . ~o,~.a .... In no case shali more treat, t'ort~' percef:t t4f".',) r.k' t~E- area ae eoverec by bui!din~s. Parkins ~eeulations: One (1) space per two hunoreo (200) square feet of gross leasable floor area or in accordance with Section 00 of the Comprehensive Oroinanee. tn acoition, no parkin~ area shall be allowed ,'ithin ter, (id;) feet cz' the ~ront property line or within five (5) feet of the'rear property lir:e. Tyae o;' Exterior Construction: Ey;erior wall eor, struetion in oistriets ~ermi~tinF non-residential uses shall be of such material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell Building. Code ~or the aartieular non-reside~;ial use or oeeupar, ey or as approved by City ~ouneu. ,ah structures shall be eighty percent (80%) masonry exterior exclusive of doors ano ~inoows. Glass may be eounte(; in place of masonry. Stucco type construction is permitted by Specific Use Permit. Landscape requirements: Landscaped areas shall be provioed according ~o Section 33 of tiqe Comprehensive Zoning Ordinanee. . aoec~, condtions are placed uoon the above deseribee orooertv: - ali existing ar,o proposed bH0ges must be approved by the City Engineer prior to construction. - criveway soaein~s anc locations along 5';acArthur Boulevard anc Sandy Lake Road shalt Oe i~, aeeorcanee ~.ith ti~e reeuiremer:ts of me current Subdvisior~ - aD¢..~r,, ~hall submit a Site Plat, of the existing xe~etgtion for review 9v - the ~rair;a~e ease:r, ert frontin~ both this property anc tt~e property imn,eciately ~o the ~',.esl saail be ianeseaped so as to conform to the minimun': .esta3lishec ir; the approved StreetseaB. e Plan, or enclosed in accordance with ~he requiremer, ts oi' the current Su:)oivisio,-. Grci~,anee. - thc aDpiieant must fulfill all of the recuiren:er:ts as set forth ih Section 2;, - tim a;.m]iean,, must adhere to the screening stanoards as outliriec in Section 32 o:.' t'~.e ('on,,~rehensive ;,~or:i~.~ Ordinance. - ~r~ eight (8) foot s~reenin~ wall shall be eonstruetec at the rear of the deve]oon, er, t. ..-al(; p:'oaerLv :~ei~,~ cieseribec as l'oiio'~.x_~- ~ r~ :~Cl i BEING all of' that certain lot, t~aet or pareei of land situatec in the ~..-k. ~- X...~'~.[4.g. Survey. Abstraet No. 14=~, ar,c ir, t~e James Parrish ~urvey, .-%astraet No. i139, C'ily of Coppel!. Dallas County, Texas, ane being more partieuiarly oeserir~e6 as follows: BEGIi~NINL, a~ a 5/E inch iron roc found for a eorr~e~ in the east m~n,-o~-,..a¥ line of XlacArthur Boulevar~ (Allen Roac, 100' R.O.i.~;.) saio ~ir:t bein~ South t;40 34' -15" East a Cistanee of 80.20 feet from ~he aresent intersection of the east , ~nt-o:-~t.a'~ line .~'~aeArthur Boulevard with the south right-of-way line of Sanoy Lake ;qoac (100' i~.O.;~.); THENCE .,.North 89© 28' 00" East alo~,g the south line of an 80' drainage easement ~o the City of Coppell from ~'oooridge, Section Three, recorded in Volume ~1180, Page 33Ui o~' ~he Oeec Reeoros of Dalla3 Coun~x' T~.,aa, a eistanee of 9¢~.~ feet ~o a 5/9 inch iron roe found for the beginning of a curve to the right having a central angle o~' ]no. 5~'~ 44" anes raeius of 4~.4'..= , zees," Ti!~aCE arounc saic curve ant with the so:th line of sa~ c:_~r .... eesemen~, .s~n are c~>,=n~¢'-", ~ ef ,..,,..~"r c,-~ feet to a a/~' ' ' i~eh iror~ roc found for corner in ~ v.-e~ ~.,a~. acre u'aet eonveyec to the Coppel! .¥~unieiaaI Ltility Distriet :<c.. z, reeoroec in Volume 75222, Pa~e 1202 of the Deec Reeoros of Dallas County, Texas; ]'HENCE South 00~ 07' 27" ~xest, 200.26 feet With saic west ]i~e ~o a 5./8 inch iron too l'OUnc for a reentrant corner of saic [;.?SE acre trae~; '[HENCE North 690 39' 03" ~.Xest, 110.00 feet wi~h the North line of saie ~raet to a 5/~ ir, ell iron, roe found for the westerr,-mos~ northwest corner of saic b.75~ acre 'I-~iENCE South 00~ 07' 27" ;.~est, 23.19 feet with the west line of said tract ~o a 5/6 inch iron roc found for corner; '['HENCE South 89° 28' 00" ~est, 933.09 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in ~he east line oi" S.;aeArthur Boulevarc and op a curve ~o the righ~ having a central an~le oS 0~'° uS' 'T" and a raoius of 1!5C'.(,0 feet; Ti~E,XC= ~-"~" ' ,n~ east lihe of ~ ...... =,.,~r,c sai~ eurve anc with *' ~ ,.ac.a, tau, ~,oulevard ah are disbar, ce oi' 162.34 fee~ to a 1/2 inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE ;torth 040 3.!' 45" ;Year, 69.45 feet with the east line of ,X-;aeArthur Boulevard ~ : ' ' 9 ~ ....... ~o zhe PLACE OF ~INNING and CONTAINING 241.,.8~ square feet or 5 52~ acres of !and. aEl~;O al; of that certain lot, tract or parcel of lane situateo in the , ' ~-'" * CItv :~urvev B.~,ac, So. 1442, ~no ir; the .james Parmsa ~urvey, Abstract No. 1139, of Coage11 LMlas County, Texas, ano beinff more par~ieular]y oeseriuee as follows: ~E,]!',~'.I;'4& at a 0/8 ' -~' ' '' m~,, iron foci lo,me Jn the ~0-' ri~ht-o~'-wa],: ~Jne of ]~,ae.~rthur ~oul~varc {Mien F;oad, 1~,0' ~.O.;x.) saJc point beJi:g in ~he sou~llwest corner of a .,.~.~ acre t[,~,c, ianc eonveyec to '~ristRr. Deve!oament es reeoree6 i~ VOJt~mO ~,1068, Pa~e ~'~oq_. .... of tpe [..,eec Re(,oros of Dallas ~' '~.ou:,t?", 'l. exas; ~ -'.~:}~ x~..rt,. Faa 2~:' I:i',, t ..... . r..:.., -. ... ,~'. ~.~'~' ~-' :'~" ,'~'~' -],~r'~ l~',q- ,~.ost v.,zjlor~,' ]Jr,e c~:' ,: ,:.T.-' :-:: ' ~ '- '- L' . :-'-':: [;. ' .' ' _ '; .... ~,;' ' : I"'' '~" ' ~-,.z.,,; i; '..'.].'" .' "'' "" i've P{..~u]c~tlOl-,$: 1. Any use ~ern:itteo in the "O" Offiee Distriet. 2. :.'k,r. sumor i~ ~D~iii' o. [ooo Sales. 4. Personal services. 5. Pet services. 6. Day nurser.,.' or day eare eenters. 7. Dry eleanin~ anc lam,or>-. 8. Other ~eneral retail sales of similar nature ano character, urovidea that the ausiness estat, lishment is subject to the .followinf..- eonaitions: (a) That it De eonaueted wholly within an eneloseo building. (b) l'!-,at reouired yaros not he usec for c. isolay, sale or storaTe or merchandise, or for the storage of vehicles, equipment, eor, taine:'s or v..'aste material. (e) lb. at ail merenanOise ye first-~ane atica De solo 8l :'eto. il or.. the Drew. ises. (d) ]-nat such use not De o:ojeetionable because o:' o~or, e::eessJvet]..nt,~'c, * smoLe, oust, noise, vibration or sift. ilar r:uisanee. Film developing and orinting. 10. Fix-it shops for such items as bieyeles anci lay:r., mowers, but v.'ithoat outsicle storage. Furniture stores. 12. Baroware store. 13. Printin~ shop or eomvany (retail only). ~ 4. :X: ea.'. "' ~ ..... ~ ,.~.,.er (retail on!v). !ff.. ;,.o,.:i~,2..victure theatre (inooor). ] C:. Seec store. 17. \.'eterip. ariar, or animal hospital (r,o outsiee kennels). l; Auto ~a;'ts sales (ney:). ~9... Comn:ur, itv center's (puoiie or private). c. { . ~.. i.lSOl.!r; . 21. Colie~e er university. [Jses vermittec, by SDeeifie ~-se Permit aeeordiny., to Section '2~"..1- o1' the Cor,:)reher,sive ?-o~ih7 0rc.:i:mnee. =-~-i~t ],:e~Tulatious: '.':~, :,uildir7 s~,ali e:,eeec., t~irt,:-fivo (3[~) ;'~et or tv, o at,o' O;:.c'-""''-c, ll ~.t'~" ): stOy'l.-,.-, ir :,¢:i:*ht.