PD98-NR 840915 ~ Constitutl~ l~lve DALLAS, TEXA~ Sept~r 15, 1984 Cop~ll Plying ~d Zoning Co~ssion A~t~tion: ~. M~rk ~eeney City Hall S~ject: Jim S~ell, S5~ Vent~e, 190 Acres P. O. ~x 478 Cop~ll, Texas, 75019 ~ar ~. ~eeney: I ~ ~e ~er of appro~tely 60 acres in ~e ~s L. Holl~d S~ey, ~stract No. 624, ~d B.B.B. ~d C.R.R. C~y S~y, ~s~act No. 145, all wi~in ~e Ci~ l~ts of ~p~ll. 27.5 acres of ~his tract - ~at l~d ~ve~d by ~s L. Holl~d S~ey - is p~sently zoned ~-2, ~ r~inder of the tract ~ing in ~e B.B.B. ~d C.R.R. S~y is zoned Agri~lt~e. ~e ~l~-f~ly tract lies along ~p~ll ~ad ~d is adja~nt %o s~ject tract. ~e a~i~lt~e l~d in the B.B.B. ~d C.R.R. ~y s~ey fron~ on Highway 121, North Cop~ll ~ad, ~d lies along a ~ion of ~he nor~e~ ~da~ 6f s~ject tract, ~ing all of ~at ~act ~ ~e ~nter of ~nton Creek. I ~. ~n~ed that a classification of ~ would decade the enviro~n~l ~ali~ of ~e area ~d severely overload ~e cDpacity of ~e infra- s~ct~e ~d c~ity facilities in the effort to acco~a~ ~he ~o~ of ~ts who would i~it ~e pro~sed apar~t c~lex. ~ere is ~ ad~a~ ~t of yacht l~d already zoned ~ in ~e ~diate neig~rh~, ~d no ad~tional d~d for d~nstra~d. It is always ~ssible ~ rezone to ~ as avail~le l~d wi~ s~ zoning is ~so~d. ~a~n~ ha~ consis~n~y ~en ~e .Achilles' heel of eve~ ~ity in which ~ey ar~ b~lt. No ~tter h~ nice ~ey l~k when they are n~ or h~ flashy ~d fashion~le ~ey ~y ~ for awhile, ~ey inevit~ly ~d aut~tically ~c~ ~ar~teed sl~ wi~ ~e passage of t~, ~ed ~d ~ied by ~rsons with no p~ticular ~e to ~e cu.~ity or interest in ~inten~. It is ~ belief that ~e residen~al needs of ~he ~ity c~ best be ~t by SF ~d ~ zoning ~d ~at ad~tiona! ~ is not in ~e ~st inte~sts of ~e City. I ~qe ~at a~ropria~ enviro~ntal ~act studies be ~nde~k~ to dete~ne ~e effect of ~e, p~sed ch~ge on ~e physical, e~n~c, ~d social ~acter of the City. cc: R. ~. ~dul, 512 ~llin~ H~lls Cop~ll, Tems, 75019 ~r~ Bu~on, 532 ~r~st~ ~o C~ll, ~xas, 7501~ Fr~ Po~ 524 ~r Brink ~p~ll, Texas ~ 75019 Peyton Weaver 570 Villawood Lane Coppell, Texas, 75019 Gary Adams 421 W. Kaye Street Coppell, Texas, 75019