PD100-DR 881025 (3)DEVELOPMEINT REVIEW COMMiT'TEE ANNING DE PARTNENT ~Z~ase ~ ZC-5i6 Reviewed by: 7'aryor~ Bowma',r~ Piarrr~ir~g & Zor~ir~Q Coordir~ator D a t e: 0 c t o b e'r- ~.,, 19 ~.'.~ 8 Has the p'r.o~er- fee f"c,r Chis zo'r~3, r~E~ exhilbi't beer~ paled? ~Please c. heci< wit. h the Er~ir~ee¥'.ir.,g De~artr~er;t regarOir~g the 'r.o.w. w:~ci't:h c~edicz, a't: ic:,r~ al ::,'r g C:o~oel i Rd. ' 'tr, dicate all va'r'.ia'r~ces ,:,r~ zo¥',ir~g exhibit. ~Na~,'~ of prc, oer't;y ow'r~e'r 'L:o the r,c,t~h of this prc,~er~y. ,:).~brnit a c~etailed legal descriptior~ of ghzs r, ropert¥ or~ ar; 8 1/~ x ~;.I' size sheet. Ir~O~cate (]istar, ce to the r~ea'r'est, ir, te¥~sect, ior~ (Sar~dy LaKe R~. ). Please obtair~ a "Zor~ir~g Char, ge Requeste~" sigr, from the E'r,~:~i*r~eerirn::~ Deoar~me'r~t, a*r~cl place s:~gr, ~r~ a clea~'ly 'VlSl~)te ].ocatior~ (ie. ~r, r..o.w, at ir~ter, sec. tior~). Si~r~ should be c, tac. ed c,',.'; c,r-c, oer't; 'y a'b least 10 caays orior ~c, P i a'r~r~z r~g Cc, mm~ ss~ or~ ~lf cc,r'r-ectior, s are 'r~ecessary fo'r- this pt-o.]ect, DieasE~ revise az c, lar, s ar, c~ submit to the Plar~r, ir~g Dec, art~ner~t, prior to Mc, r~ay, Oc'~c:,ber 3!~ ].988 bef:c:,re 5: 00 p.m. This w].ll er~su'r".e that the DR(B w~.ll be able to addt~ess your' o'rc, ject c,r~ Tuesda'y, Nove~nber !, i988. jThis item is scheOuiecJ for the P].arm~ir~g ar, O Zor'~ir~j meetir, g c,r; Thur-sday. November 17, I988 ar, d aisc, fo'r the City Cc, ur, cji c,r, ]"uesciay, DecemOer 13, I988. Both meemir, gs held at 7:~()