PD100-CS 881121 (2) CHECKL_iST FOR
Case ~ _.Z__~...--._~__~_~_
h~ow does this slet affect the traf.fic ir~ this area? .......... [
Does this site iar~dlock the surrour~dir~g properties? ...~ ....
Has the zor~ir~g char~ge sigr, beer~ placed or~ the property? ~..
How will ~this zor~ir, g char,~e affect the surrour, dir, g property
What is the~ surrour~di ir~g?
North ~~~_~]~.:~_ ............................................................
South 5~..:.L~ ........... ~.
.~at ace ~11 of ~h~rc, pc~ed us~ q,f th~ a~plicatic, r~%
plar~ a~'~ . p~opo~ed for ~his area as ir, dicated or, the
Mast erpl ar,? ~__~ ..................................................................................~~
Did applicant submit the following?
Legal descriptior, c,r~ separate sheet? .................... [ ]
Appl icat ior,? ............................................
Zc, r~ir~g or Special Use Permit fees..° ......................
Detailed zor, ir, q regulatior, s for Plar~r~ed Developmer~ts? ...
Are there ar, y variar~ces beir, g requested?
!~j~._(Lg exhibit must cor~tair~ the followir, gl
"Zc, r, ir~g exhibit" title ..................................
Map of property to be zor~ed arid all property located with~
~Ok feet ..... ] .......................................... [KJ
Name ar, d address c,f applicar, t ar, d/or owr, er ..............
Name arid address 0f certified surveyor ..................
Name arid address of person preparir~g the exhibit ........
North point~ scale and date .............................
Accurate location map in the upper corr~er . ...............
Survey and abstract with t'ract designation ..............
Currer, t and ~ropc:,sed zc:,nir~g of the site and withir, 200'
'Surrounding property owners .............................
Location and R.O.W. of existing and planned throughfares
located within or adjacent to the subject property ......
Gross and r~et acreage of the proposed zoning
Potential square footage of building space for co~ercial,
office, retail, and industrial zonir~g requests ..........
LocatiorJ of existing R.O.W., utility and/or drainage
easemer~ts ............................................... [ ']
Topography and flood plain designation .................. [ ]
Aircraft Noise Desigr, ation (if applicable) .............. [. ]
Detailed legal description of property .................. [' ]
Property dimensions of the site and approximate distance to
r~earest cross street .................................... [~
All existing or proposed buildings on the property, existing
structures, fire lane and access ease~ents adjacent to the
property, and access points or, and adjacent to the
property ................................................ [ ~
Setbacks and buiidir, g lines ............................. [~ ]
All existing private and public streets including street
widths, median openings, and left-turr~ lanes ............ [
Proposed areas of dedication, if necessary, including
streets, alleys or easements ............................ [ ]
Poir~ts of ir, gress ar, d egress to the property ir, cludir~g
design arid spacir~g of driveways .......................... [ ]
Parkir~g area includir~g r~umber and layout 0f spaces, aisle
width~ garbage pickup location, fire lanes~ and 'types of
surface of fire ].ar, es ................................... ~
Sc'reer, ir, g walls ar,d locatior,.~ type of screer, ir~g wall~, either
i ivi'ng or r~'~asor~ry ....................................... ~4~]
tr~dicate all areas to be iarsdsca~ed, type of larsdscapir~g,
arid total s~uare footage of lar, dscaped areas; do not use
"tree sta~ps" . .......................................... [~JA]
Ail existir, g arid proposed services, fire hydrar, ts, water
r,'~air~s, arid sewer rdair~s withir~ the tract arid im~'~3ediateiy/
adjacer~t to it with pipe size ar, d locatior~ ir~dicated ....
Finished floor elevatior~ of p'r.o~osed nr existir, g structures
or, the site referenced to sea level datu~ ............... [~]
Proposed use of the site or bui!dir, gs ................... [~/~
Lot or tract area ....................................... ~
~]ize of builciir~g (square '~ootage) ....................... [~]
Height of all st'ructures ................................ [~/~]
Number of l ivir~g ur~its, by r~umber c,f bedroorns ........... [4/~]
Calculatior, of pa'rkir~g s~aces required arid provided ..... [/~