PD108R-CS 960130i~96-.,, ~'36Ald~,,,~/F'UL'?S AS-~0~3[A'?ES No. ~736 P. 2/3 ~
100 Crescent Courl, 12tli I I0or ~
D~llas, Toxa, 7520~ ~ &~
~ffic~: 2t4,'871-6666 ~(~ -
F~x: 2z4/8~16656 Bruce R. He,er
Vice Presi~en~
D~rec~or of PreleCt S~rviccs
JAN 3 l ~i
~A F AX ~
January 30, 1996
Mr. Jim Wilt
City Manager
City of Coppell
255 Paxkway
Coppell, TX 75109
RE: ~eS~ngs
Dear Mr, Wilt:
Per our telephone conversation last week, we a~e willing to meet on the referenced project
as soon as possible at a mutually agreeable time and place. As we stated repeatedly during
our presentation to council last Tuesday night, it is our hope that both thc city's goals and
our goals can be met. It was apparent in thc meeting last Tuesday, that it is the council's
desire to resolve the overall master plan issues for this entire development in lieu of a single
portion of the property. As you know, this was our original intent and we would welcome
the opportunity to finalizc our plan~ for the overall development at this time.
As we discussed, we were greatly surprised by thc number of comments made following our
presentation, especially in light of many of these concerns not being addressed in our
previous meetings with individual council members. We therefore, request that a public
workshop meeting be held with all council members, thc mayor, thc city manager, and any
staff members desiring inFut in order that at the completion of thc workshop, all issues have
been brought forward and surprises are elimimted. We arc ready to meet as soon as possible
and appreciate your cfforts in coo[dinating this workshop.
In order that all issucs bc addressed, and our mccting time be as efficicnt as possible, we
request that all city's objectives concerning this tract be determined and brought forth to the
meeting. As you and I have discussed, wc havc heard a number of conflicting desires from
staff as wcll as conflicting commmcnts between thc city council at last Tucsday night's
meeting and several eommcnts made at the Planning and Zoning Commission in December.
Wc arc willing to review thc city's goals and work with you in an attempt to meet your goals.
Howevcr, we can only movc forward if your goals arc clcarly defined and do not change (thc
park pavilion sizc, for example, has changed each time it has been discussed). We likewise
will determine our goals for the remainder of the property and will be ready to fully address
those at our meeting.
Jan. 30, 199~ 9:35AM FUL?S ASSOOiA?E£ No. ~736 P. 2/"3
Mr. Jim Witt
January 30, 1996
Page 2
Jim, the Foundation and I were accused of a number of things at our ~esentafion last
Tuesday. A number of council members complained of"stalling," "wait a little while, wait
a little while" and not negotiating in good faith. Let me make it clear that we never felt we
were in n~gotiations with thc City of Coppell on the west tract. We bad informexl city staff
fully of our intentions to delay thc west portion of the property (at thc suggestion of city
staff) in order to give the City of Coppell time to consider the alternative zoning for a portion
of thc tract We had attempted to discuss park issues early in our design process, but were
told that until a new park director was hired, these discussions were meaningless. Upon
anival of your new park director, we did meet on two occas/ons but delayed further meetings
pending further study of the alternative zoning by the city. We intend to negotiate in good
faith and hope that city's intent is the same.
We await your notification of the meeting time.
ONCOR International
Brace R. Heller
Vice President
cc: Mil~ W~ncr
Ly~au Cr~f~
Curtis Young
Mayor Tom MoWn