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PD99-CS 841009
AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS OaDm^SCE so. ~. ~.,,x[;h,..\NCz OL ]nE (_.'.I'i'Y OF ~OPPELL, 'IEXA5. ;\fl:ENDING T~iE CG3,'~PREHENS1VE ZONING CkDINANCE OF T~E CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AS iiEi~EIOI-'ORE A_~'ENDED, SC- .AS TO C'hA~GE ThE ZONING ON I'HE ~ERE1NAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERLY TG iHE NE~.x ZONING CLASS1FI~A]ID~. HEREIN STATED: PROVID15G A ~EFEALING CLALSE: PROVI[,LxG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; P~OVIDINC PENALTIES FOR ' IOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF ONE T'HOCSAND DOL-A~S (Si,U00.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; A~D DECLARING AN EFFEC'F1VE DATE. ~HEREAS, the City Zzr.[ng Commission one the Governing booy of the City of Copoell, Texas, in con:piiane~ .,~.~ the laws of the State of 'lexas v;{th reference to the ~" ' ~ of t.,. zoning ordinance ano zoning map, have ~n'en · antln~ zoningenan'-' ~_ under ~'~ pequiMte notices ~y Dub!iea:.~r: an~ otherwise, arm after bolting cue hearings and afforcing a full and fair hea:2r.g to all property owners ~enepally, *~ saic Governin~ body is of the opinion that ~a~c change of zoning ~-hieh is on apolieation of Highl~d Meadows Development, ~e. s?.tuid De granted an~ the Comprehensive Zoning Opoinanee of the City of Coppell shoulc De amenoed in the exercise of its legislative aisepetion: NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C1TY COUNCIL OF THE CI1'Y OF COPFEbL, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the 7omDrehensive Zoning Opoinanee of t~e City of Co;,peli, 'l'exas Oe an~ the same is ~==~eD,- amenoeo Ov amendin~ the Zoning MaD of the City of Coppeil. to give the hereina:':er eeseribed property a new zoning district e!assifieation, to-v~it: (rE Plannee Development District The Plannec Uevelepmer.' f?istriet ~hall oe subject to the Conceptual Plan attaeneo hereto as Exhibit "A" an0 mace a Dart hereofand subieet to the following eevelopm;ent stanuarcs: 1. General: Tile im~)rovements on each lot shall be usec: exclusively for the purpose o.,' a single family aetaei:ec resiaenee. Each lot and Duilding area shall oe as oefir, eo on the Development Dian. 2. Dwellir:? Size: ~o o. welling unit located on lots 22 to -17 shall contain less than ]~.lJ(; scuare feet ~ross of ;'ullv enclosed floor area, exclusive of garagcs, devotees to living purposes. ]he remainder of the iots shall have dwelling units with a minimum of 16bl~ square feet. 3. 'lype of Construction: At least eighty (8(~) percent of the exterior walls of all structures shall pe of masonary constr~ction exclusive of ooors ano windows. Twenty- :ire (25%) of each story above the first story may be masonry if approved by specific use aermit. Stucco type exteriors are r~errritted by soecific use oermit only, anti approval of the Architectural Review Committee. 4. Fencing: A WOOd, eh screenin~ fence having a minimum height of six (6) feet shall be constructed around the rear yard of each cwelling unit. No chain link fencing will be oermittec as perimeter let:ding. 5. Storage Space: Each dwelling ur, it shall have at least 75 square feet and 500 cubic t'ee~ of outsic;e fully coverec~ and enclosed storage space (excluding all storage soace and attic space within the dwelling unit). Such storage space can be located in t.n.e garage area. 6. Landscaping: Upon completion of the dwelling construction, the front yar0 shall De soccea with perennial grass. At least one ~{"-10' in ]'~eigh~ ano 3½"--1" caliper shade tree shah be planted, anc founoation shrubs shall be planted at appropriate spacings to screet., ti~e /'ul] front foundation elevation at mature growth. 7. Parking.-~tea:*' Eaci~ dwelling unit shal] have a .... orivate er, closed ~arage to accomoGate at least two automobiles and; v;hici~ shall De accessed from the alley. Eaci~ garage shall contain not less than -,e(. square feet and shall be attached to the dwelling unit. 8. Alley: l:ifteen foot alley right-of-~'ay with a ten foot alley" section. 9. Building Setbacks: Front ~o..re - ?0 feet builoing line Side ~_ard - 5 foot building line Back Yard - 26 foot buil¢ing line 10. Roofing: Roofing materials shall be wooc shingle or 250 pound comoosition and shall be consistent in color' througl'~out the suoCivision. The minimum roof pitch simll oe , x 1'~' li. Chimneys: All chimneys on exterior ',-':ails or protruding from the roof shah be 100% masonry. 12. t'tility Services: All utility services shall be located underground, except such electric telephone aha gas eouiDment as may be require0 alarms the verimeter of the subdivision. 13. 'lrash Receptacles:. .Xo trash receo~acles~ s~-m~l' ' be ]ocatec~ in t,:~-,~ iron~ yarc nor shall ~e visible from the vuviie streeL i4. Architectural Review: Deed restrictions shai1 be placed on the p:'operty which snali establish an Architectural tieviev; Committee whier~ st;aH reviews.- ail aroDoseo improvements to the subdivision. No construction of any structures shall occur within Righland .\-ieaoows Addition without the a.Dproval of tt~e Archi'.ec~ural Review Committee. 15. ?.,aintenar.,ce: Ihe Real ProDerty shall at all times be keot in a clean, sightly .',r: "-hoiosomo. ~ _ conoition anc all weecs or 7;.ra--s· ~ shall be kef.)t, r,eatlv, cut ~. .... ,,.OV..'eG. NO boxes, containers, cans, ir,.p]ements, maebir..ery, lumber or- other buiicir:e' materials sna!] be .oer~r'itted to ren'.t',ir, exposed uoon the ,4esl Frcn,~:'t'.: or anv ~,"' <o that they o~'e visible from ar,,,,: nei~;~borin~, lot or street e.xcopt as n,~eo~.sa-,: cu;'in~ the pe:'ioa Saic prcperty being cescribed as follows: BEING a tract of la::o situatec~ in the Alfrec Lo~s6on Survey, Abstract No. 78::. in the City cf CoDF~ell. Dallas County, Texas and also being that same tract cescribec and conveyed b, a c~eec to dimm.y ~,~ilson .~:oooy and ~¥ife, h. eba 5!eddy, as recorded in Volume 390, Page 1138 of the Oeec ?:eeorc5 of Dallas Cc-r. ty, Texas ant [~eing re. ore particularly Gescribed as follows- BEGINN~SG at a DOin' -"'or corner on the south line of Sandy Lake Road (a 6(} foe= right-of-way) spic poir:t being 940.00, feet west of the intersection of the _~;d south line --~ Sandy Lake Road with the west line of _Moore Road; TELSCE S. 0° -25' 56" }~., 1463.43 feet to a point for corner; THENCE S. 89: 47' 08" i~., 383.47 feet to a point for corner; -~:ENCE N. 1: 18' 06" E., 1461.i5 feet to a point for corner on the saic south line c: Sancy Lake goad; .-HENCE N. 89 * 21' 23" E., 361.34 feet along the said south line of Sancv Lake [~oad t- the Point of Beginning and containing 12.498 acres (544.46.- scuare feet) o.t' land. SECTIC.'4 2. That a': ordinances of the City in conflict with' the provisions of this ordinance De, ancl the _:=rte are hereby, repealed a~m all other ordinances of the City not in -~-"~ ' . ~ e~.._~',e~ with th-:- r:rovisions of thiq ordinance shall remain ir, full force and effect. SECTIC:: 3. Ihat ri-.-: aHove described property sbail be used only in the manner and for the a'.rposes Drox.'ice~ for in the Comprehensive Zonin~ Ordir:anee of the City, as am.ended he?ein by the ?-_:_nting of this zoning classification. SECTICN 4. That shc xic any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, ph~-ase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the same sha-- r'~ot affect '-e validity of' this ordinance as a whole or any ~art or provision ther:_r.f other than :He part so Ceeided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional anc shall not _:.:'feet the va-_c!ty 05 the Com.preher, sive Zoning ©rc'.'i.~:ance as a '~vhole. SECTIC. 5 5. ]'hat an'.- _~erson, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions or terms of t~-'s orcinanee s: ':_}! De subject to the sam.e Denalty as provided for in the _.~o ,,~ _-. Or6in~_7. ee of the City, ~s heretofore amer,.oed, and uDOr't conviction shall De .~urfis:'ec; Dx' fine r:c- :o exeeec the sun: el O.ne Thousand Dollars for each offerse, a.~nG that e:_ ?'- cay such violation shall continue to exist aP, all constitute a separate o::-:.'-_se. SECTIC.~' 6. It is r=-',~qarv to ~ix.'e the oroDertv described herein the above mentioned zor..-.2 classificat.-' if; orcer to aern,it its proper c.'eveloDmer:t ant in otter to ,n. roteet tl:e =.'~Dlic interc:_~-, c'om,t'ort anc general welfare of th.e City. -l'he:'eicre. t},is ,~rcit.a[ c: : ;,11 '~,,~..,.' e:':+ .: :,:r'--:=c.i,~tc-ly ;'rcm. ,:r',c. a;.'-t? ,u: F-.~>.-~:','.- ,?.'c :'.:s:,jir'..'~:io~- ,:;' lis ,?:-::)!Jo' .:~ I~ ,-. },.::;,. -- .r , :-;.Hc,:c '::",:'.: !(':,<. DULY PASSED bv the City Couneil of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the '~-- o~ o~' 0~~ , ~4. AI_'I ESl': APPi{OVED AS 'fO FOR ,~3~ .::,: ,,, .w.,.;- 5.-,i , CITY AYTOP, NEY -