PD114-CS 901012./ Revised: **HUS~TUIOI ALL SIX PAGES OF THIS APPLICATION A: Requesting: CITY OF COPPEL~ ZONING APPLICATION 214-&62-0022 Specific Use Permit [ ] 1. 2. 3. Description & Location of Property! David Myers - 866, Survey & Abstract: S.A. & MG -1442r Addition Name (if applicable): Unplatted Lot & Block (if applicable): ~. Total Number of Acres: 4~.~874 $. Location further described: part of Riverchase pro4ect south of $~ndy Lake and West of the TP&L Co. Easements C. Zoning Requested: Present Zoning cation [ Area ! Area Proposed Zonine Classtfi- Gross Net* Units/Acre cation Acres Acres (Reeid.0nly) Floor Area (Hon-Restd. Uses 0nly) ~F-1 40.56 R 7.53 SF-o(PD) 48.09 48.09 2.89 major & secondary thoroughfares.. D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please bo spocific)t To create a marketable . E. Fee~ hereby certify that the application fee, $~, to'cover the coat ! (We) he C l on - ion has been paid to t of this zontnS appl~ca} _ , ...... -- ~-*- -; e~--~ll end its ampi,ye, s, to r ! (We) here~y autnorxza ~na ~=b2 ~- 19._~. Yurt~e , ...... above described at all reasonable tines fo~ t~e · reBxses nerexu enter upon tn p ........... --- -l~s to 'notify the public of f erectl , Bainca~n~n$, or [e~vLul - o.- _ - 'ti · purpose o . u~. ...... ., ..... ic hear concerning said ~ppltca on pending zonxn8 appAxcacxou ann;v- eubl ins ch, tic of Coppell and its employees from liability Esr any damages (We) release ~ ....... ._ .L. --ecttn-- ualutatng, or removal vhichuay be incurred to my ~our) proper~7 Lu .-. -- o- of said signs· Date: October 11, 1990 Ow~sre Name: -First G(bralta~ NATHAN D. MAIER .... Representative: CONSULTINq EJ~GINE~RS~,INC/~ddress: 13401 North Freeway Ag~nt'sSignature: /,' Houston, Texas .7706~ Telephone ~:_ 214/739-4741