PD119-CS 910821 ,7,~_7 ***MUST RETUP~ ALL SIX  PAGES OF THIS APPLICATION CITY OF COPPELL ZONING APPLICATION 2 I4-~62-0022 Specific Use Permit [ ] B. Description & Location of PropertZ: 1. Survey & Abstract:_j~%,.Anderson Surv.ey, Abat_ract ~'~_12._ 2. Addition Name (if applicable): _B._iR_ Cedar. Add_ition_ 3. Lot & Block (if applicabte):~ N/A 4. To~at Number of Acres:_ _ _18,2 Acr~e~ _ 5. Location further described: 18.2 Ac_r~ ont m~ ~..l.I¢ A~d=r~n Survey, Abstract No.18, City Of Coppell Dallas County, C. Zoning.. Requested:_ - P~ ~.v~u~,m.enn ~r M Present ZoninK - ._ _. Propos3d Zoning ~elling Flo~r Area Classlfi- Gross Ne~* C!assifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resid. cation Are~.. Ar~a _ ca~_ion A~res.. A~res (Resid. Only) Uses Only) SF 9 16.1 N/A PD-SF 9 !6,1 N/A 2.8 Commercia 2.1 N/A PD-SF 9 2.1 N/A 2.8 ~Exclu~es major & secondary thoroughfares. -- D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): To n~,,1t __~ comprehensive _res. identi~_l development ~m~'~t .~,~e~ ~ .~ Of Coppell masterplan E. Fee: I (We) hereby certify ~hat the application fee, $ 690.00 to cover the cOSt of this zoning applicatioB, has been paid to the City of Coppe~l on An~ 9~. , 19~. Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppell and its e~ployees,-to en~er upon ~h~ premises herein above described at all reasonable ~imes for ~he purpose of erectlng, _~,..__..__~.~4-*~-4-- Or remnvin~ st~ns to notify the public of pending zoning application and/or public hearing concerning said applica=ion. 1 (We) release the Cl:y of Coppell and i~s e~loyees from liabili~y for any d~ages which ~y be incurred to my (our) property in the erecting, maimtai~g, or removal of said signs. Prospective Purchaser Pa~e: . August 21, 1991 _ ._ ~~*MatthewsIbnvestments - Southwest, Inc. X Representative: Tim House ~dress: 52~ Sp~ing Vm~q ey, ~-~ Pfospec%iv, Purchas~ - Telephone ~:,(214) 33~-0123 _ ~ _. T~]. (2_14) qZ4~f)l 9~ _ Date ~L -,9___¢._L 0011450 Address.,, ~ .... AMT. OF ~T. PAID CHECK ~ ~- - ~NCE MONEY r