PD120-NR 930120 ING & ZONING MEETING: 1-21-93 COUNCIL MEETING: 2-9-93 \\//\Or~~~Ci~y-:of Coppell Planning and Zoning Co~ission would like to receive ~--'~our co-,~ents on this case in order that they ~y ~ke a better info.ed ~e~o~endation to the City Council. If you desire to e~ress an opinion, please c~lete this reply fo~ and retum it to the following address by the date of the public hearing: .City of Coppell Planning ~ Zoning Department P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 ~is reply fo~ in no way affects your rights to attend the public hearing and we encourage all interested parties to attend and c~ent if they ~ish. If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the Planning and Zoning Department at ~62-0022. REPLY ( ) I am in favor of this plan. (~ I am opposed to this plan. ( ) I am undecided about this plan. Ny co--ents are as follows: P Z REPLY FORM PZAGN