PD120-NR 930113 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: 1-21-93 COUNCIL MEETING: 2-9-93 ~EFLY FOR TIlE PLANNING AND ZONING COl~tlSSION Case No. PD-120(A) - WATF. RISDE II ADDITION ~/~ty of Coppe11 Planning and Zoning Commission would like to receive ~l ~a~mments on this case in order that they may make a b.tter informed _~~'~rec~dation to the City Council. If you desire to express an ~~/ _~i~in~\please complete this riply fora ,nd return it to the roll.lng ~{~ r / /' ,City of Coppell Coppe11, Texas 75019 ~s reply fo~ in no way affects your righ=s ~o a~end ~he public hearing and we encourage all interested par~ies ~o a~end and c~en~ ~f they w~sh. If you have any ques~ions pertaining ~o ~he case, please call ~he Planning and Zoning Depar=men~ at 462-0022. REPLY ( ) I a~ in favor of this plan. (~) ! am opposed to this plan. ( ) I am undecided about this plan. PZ ~LY FO~ PZA~