PD122-NR 911015PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: 10-17-91 COUNCIL MEETING: 11-12-~1 ~NFLY ~OR T~ ~C AND ZONING C0~ISSION Case No. PD-1ZZ (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase ID ~ C ~f Coppell Planning and Zoning Comaission would like to receive on this case in order that they ~ay ~ake a better informed tion to the City Council. If you desire to e~ress an c~lete, this reply f,~ ~d retu~ it to the address by the date.of the ~blic hearins: .City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Department P. O. Box 478 CoppelI, Texas 75019 This reply for~ in no way affects your rights to attend the public hearing and we encourase all interested parties to attend and coa~nt if they wish. If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the Planning and Zoning Department at 462-0022. REPLY ( ) I am in favor of this plan. (~) I am opposed to this plan. ( ) I am undecided about this plan. ~ c~en~s are as foll~s: ~ ~ ~ ~,~ ,~-W Address: PZ RI~rLY FORN PZACN RAYMOND L. HILDEBRAND 611 Allen Road Coppell, Texas 75019-5601 Telephone 462-1296 October 14, 1991 City of Copper Planning and Zoning Department PO Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Re: PD-112 Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II we object to the above zoning change submitted by Heath and Knight Properties. As we understand the proposal, Heath and Knight are planning to develop a sizeable area South of Allen Road and East of MacArthur Boulevard. The section adjacent to Allen Road is proposed as PD-SF-0 while the major portion of this development is proposed to be SF-7. Our neighborhood, consisting of homes on Allen Road and adjacent streets, although zoned PD-SF-0, consists of lots with widths of 60 or more feet. Hence , much larger homes have been erected in this neighborhood than normally are found in PD-SF-0 zoned neighborhoods. If Heath and Knight are allowed to "sandwich in" the proposed section of 52 foot wide lots between our neighborhood and the remainder of their development, this section would detract from the appearance of the overall community and would undoubtedly have a negative impact on the value of our properties as well as the values of the properties in the major portion of the Heath and Knight development. It is our understanding that one of the homeowners in our neighborhood has discussed this matter in depth with Mr. Heath, but he has reported that Mr. Heath is not interested in increasing the size of the lots in the PS-SF-0 section to a minimum width of 60 feet, to be compatible with the lot sizes of the properties already developed on Allen Road and adjacent streets. Consequently, we have no recourse but to request that you disapprove Heath and Knight's request to have this area zoned PD-SF-0 and to approve a zoning change to a minimum of PD-SF-7. Sincerely, Eleanor T. Hildebrand ~ Hildebrand