PD122-NR 911015 (3)10-17-91 COUNCIL MEETING: 11-12-91 PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: I~LY ~OR THE PIfflING A~D ZONING CO~ISSION tl~t~-;5'~ '~~~~ Case '°' -- P~12Z (Gib~tati~Ad~tim' ~--~) ~~u~~ this case {n order that they ~y ~ke a better ~nfo~d '.~~ to the City Council. If y~ desire to e~ress an opinion, please c~lete, this reply ~?~ ~d retu~ it to the foll~nS address by the date of the public hearing: .City of Coppell Planning & Zoning Department P. O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 This reply form in no way affects your rights to attend the public hearing and we encourage all interested parties to attend and comaent if they wish. If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the Planning and Zoning Department at 462-0022. ( ) ( ) REPLY I am in favor of this plan. I am opposed to this plan. I am undecided about this plan. Hy comments are as follows: Phone #: PZ REPLY FOl~ PZACN []ity o~ Coppell Planning & Zoning Department P. 0., Bo>,' 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 October 14, 1991 RE:CASE NO. PD-122 (GIBBS STATION ADDITION, F'HASE II) Gent lemen: object 'Lo a PD SF.O Zoning. SF.9 Zoning. I ~avor and urge a SF.7 or Although our homes are in an SF.O Zoning area, our lots are ~rom 60~ wide to considerably wider. The lot at the corner o~ Allen & Andover (607 Allen Road) is 76~ wide; the one next to it at 607 Allen Road is 60~wide. My home at 614 Andover Lane is 75~ wide. The Heath and Knight plan .For SF.O zoned lots 52~ wide creates an island o~ very small lots between the Westchester Homes beginning at Allen and the proposed Heath and Knight SF.7 zoned lots. SF.7 zoning f~or the parcel o~ land in question would create a contiguous logical ~low o~ lot sizes into and through the Heath and Knight FS.7 planned land parcel. I urge that specific upscale landscaping along Allen Road be committed to, as a condition o~ .~inal approval o~ the SF.7 zoning. That landscaping to include wrought iron and brick ~encing at the entrance, on both sides o~ Allen, ~rom MacArthur(similar to that at the entranceway to Villages o~ Coppell) and trees along Allen at least 3 1/2" in diameter. '[he above amendments to the Heath and Knight plan would ensure residential development more in line with the ~uture direction o~ the City o~ Coppell as characterized by Pecan Hol low. !_.et us not create any more Grand Home debacles. Th~as ~'. Giuliano ' .'~4 And~ver Lan~ Coppell, Texas 75019 Marie R. Giuliano 614 Andover Lane Coppell, Te~,'as 75019