PD122-NR 911014 (2)'~.. '~ PLANNING & ZONING MEETING: 10-17-91 COUNCIL MEETING:. 11-12-91
'3' Coppell Planning and Zoning Comni .... d
\\\kk~_,-~c~nt, on thi, ca,, in order that they may make · petter ~n~ormen
\B~V~~ecozmendation to the City Council. [[ you desire to express ·
~ opinion, please complete, this reply [orm ~nd return it to the following
address by the date.of the public hearing: ..
,City of Coppell
Planning & Zoning Department
P. O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
This reply form in no vay affects your rights to attend the public
hearing and we encourage all interested parties to attend and coument if
they vish.
If you have any questions pertaining to the case, please call the
Planning and Zoning Department at 462-0022.
( )
I am in favor of this plan.
(X) ! am opposed to this plan.
( ) I a~ undecided about this plan.
My c--en,, are as follows: -~ ~)~ ~,~'0
Mr. Gary Sebs
City of Coppell
Planning Department
P.O. Box 478
Coppell, Texas 75019
639 Allen Road
Coppell, TX 75019
October 12, 1991
Dear Mr. Sebs:
We wish to formally express our opposition to the proposed
zoning change, Case %PD-122 (Gibbs Station Addition, Phase
II), requested by Heath and Knight Properties, from MF-2 to
The proposed plan is clearly out of character with the
existing and planned surrounding areas. As residents of
Allen Street, we have already been adversely impacted by the
Grand Homes development. We do not need another development
adjacent to our properties with high density and smaller lot
sizes. Most of the lots on Allen Street developed by
Westchester are approximately 70 feet wide. The proposed
plan to develop lots of 52 feet wide across the street are
SIGNIFINCANTLY out of character with our homes.
We are not opposed to the rational development of the area
described as Gibbs Station Addition, Phase II. We recommend
the developer seek a zoning change to SF-7 and develop the
lots in the same or greater size/density as the existing
homes built by Westchester. We would be pleased to support
Heath and Knight in obtaining the change to Sf-7.
Considering the current development trend in Coppell,
evidenced by projects such as Pecan Hollow, high density
projects are unnecessary for growth and contrary to the
existing housing in Coppell. Coppell is one of the fastest
growing cities in the United States. Let's not cheapen the
community for the sake of additional quick growth.
We would formally like to express our opposition to Case %
PD-122 at the public hearing on October 17, 1991. We
appreciate your consideration of our views on this issue and
request your committment to
n E. Shelton
oppose the
zoning change to
cc: Coppell City Concil
Mr. Clark Will