PD122-CS 910930 (2) CHECKLIST FOR
~ow does this site affect the traffic ir, this, areaS' .......... [ ]
Does this site !ar~dlock the surrourJdir~g properties? .......... [ ]
Has 't:he zor, ir~g charJge sigr~ beer, placed c,r, the property? ...... [ ]
!How will this zc, r~ir~g char~ge affect the surrour~dir~g property
What is the surrour~dir~g zor, ir~g?
Nor'b h .~ ~ '~ ~
~'~ al~ c,f the pr. oposeO uses c,~ this mpp~iomtic, r,? ..............................
W?]a~ olar~s ~re orooosed for this area as ir~dicated o~-~ the
Mast er~ 1 ar~'~ ~ ~' ? ~ ~
Has ~he c, rc, oert¥ beer~ platteO? ~.~ ......................................................................................................
Did aoolioa'nt submit the foilowir~g?
L..eqai ~eso~zc, tic, r~ o'r~ s~parate sheet? .................... E ]
A~:,p I lc-at ior~? ............................................ [
Zor~ir~q c:,r Soecial Use Pe~mzt fees? ...................... [']
Detailed zor;ir~g ~egulatior~s fop Piar~r, ed Develop~er~ts? ... [ ]
Are there a'ny va~-iar~oes beir~g requested? ..~ ...........
~Z(:,r~i'r~ exhibit" title .................................
I~]ap of prcq)erty to be zor~ed arid all property ]ecabed with~'r~
200 feet ................................................ [ ]
Na[ne arid addres~ of applicator arid/or c..e~'~er ..............
Name a'r~ct address of certified ~u~,~e¥or ..................
Name arid address of persor~ p~epari~g the exhibit ........
Nor'th p¢,ir~t~ scale arid d~ .............................
Accurate lccatior, '~.-;,~ ir, the upper corner ...............
Survey arid abstract with tract ~esigr, atior, .............. [ ]
Cur. r-er, t ?~rd proposed zonir~g of the site arid withir~ 80(P.. [~'
~urrour.~S~g property owners .............................
~_._,c-atior~ arid R.O.W. of existir~g arid plat, ned throughfares
located withir, or a~.]acent to the subject property ......
Gross arid rlet acreage of the proposed zc, ning ............ [ ]
Poter~tial square footage of buildir~g space for
office, retail, arid ir~dustrial zonir~g requests ..........
Locatior~ of existir~g R.O.W., utility and/or altair, age
ease~ner~ts .......................... . .......... . ........ . [~ ]
Tc, pograpr~y ar~c~ flood plain desigr, atior, .................. [ ]
Alter. aft Noise Desigr~atior~ (if applicable) .............. [ ]
Detailed legal descriptior~ of property .................. [ ]
Prc,~:)er'ty Oi~ner, sic, r~s of the site ar, d approximate disbar, ce to
r, eapest mmoss stmeet ....................................
Ail existir,~ or ppc, Dc, sed buiidir, gs c,r~ ~he ppc, pepty~ existing
struotures~ fire iar, e ar, d aeoess easemer~ts adjaoer, t to the
prc,~oe~ty~ ar, O aooess pc, ir,ts or, ar, d adjaoer, t to the
property ................................................ [ ]
Setbaokm ar, d buildir, g lit, es .................... ~ ........ [ ]
Ali existir,~ ppivate arid mubiim stpeets ir,~iuc~ir, g stpeet
w~.d'ths~ ~ediar, c, mer, ir,~s~ and left-turf, Jar, es ............ [ ]
Pr. omose~5 areas of dedimatior,, if r, eoessamy, ir,~ludir, g
s~reets~ ai leys c,~TM easements ............................ [ ]
Pc, ir, ts c,f ir, gress ar, O egress to the property ir~cludir, g
oesigr~ ar, d soacir, q of Oriveways ........................... [ ]
Pa~kir, g a~e~ ir, cludir, g r, umbe~ ar, d layout of spmoes, aisle
width, garbage piokum looatior,, lime lar, es, ar, d types of
surface of lime lanes ................................... [ ]
Screer~i¥'~g walls ar, d locatior,, 'type of screer,ir~g wali, either.
livir, g or ~asor~ry ....................................... [ ]
Ir, dicate all areas to be lar, dscaped, type of lar~dscapir~g,
arid total square footage of lar, dscape~ areas; do r~ot use
"t. ree s~tamos" ........................................... [ ]
All ex~.stir, g ar~d proposed services, fire hydrar, ts, water
~'nair~s~ ar, cd sewer ~nair, s withir~ the tract a'nd i~n~nediately
adjac, e'r~t to it w~th pipe size arid locatior~ ir~dicated .... [ ]
Fi¥',isheo floor elevatior, of proDoser] or existir~g s~ru~tures
the site referer~ced to sea level datum ............... [ ]
Pro0osed use c,f the site or buiiOir~gs ................... [ ]
Lot or tract area .......................................
Size of Duilcdir, g (square footage) ....................... [ ]
Height of ail structur'es ................................ [ ]
Nu~nber of l ivir, g ur, its, by r, umber of Oedroc,~s ........... [ ]
Caicuiat:~.or, of parkir, g spaces required arid provided ..... [ ]
zapc~ ! st