PD129R-CS 920724**~$T,.?,?O~ ALL SXX FAG~.S,,,Or TUXS Al Requestin~l ClTY_~FCOPP.~LL. ZON~N~ APPLZCAT!ON' 21~-462-0022 " JUL 2 11992 Specific Use ~erat~ Loc & Block (ii applicable): Total Number of Acres~ Location further deacribedt Present Zon,ing Proposed Zoning ...... D~ellin$ Floor Area C:taosifi- Gross Net* Clessi[i- Groa8 Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resld. cation Area Area cation Acres Acres (Reaid. Only) Uses Only) '*~xclUdes' major'& secondary thoroughfareG. I (We) hereby certify that ~he application ~ee, $ ~ ' , ~o ~over ~ha ~os of ~his zonin~ applicA{io", has been paid ~o ~he C~i2 O/ ~oppell on ~ 1~.. [~her, I (We) hereby authorize ~he City ~ CoppeX1 and l~e e~loyees, enter upon the premimes herein above described at all reasonable taws for purpOSe of ~recCinS, matfltainina* or removing liana to notify the public of tb pending zoning application and/or public hesr/,S concerning said application. (We) release the City of Coppell and ica employees {rom liability fO~ any which ~y be incurred co my (ou~) property in the erecting. ~incaini. or TaXephono ti ....... - ..... '-' ' A, Complete all peris of .the. o_~J_t_cial zon,l_ng .pplicat,.ian fot~,..,.,,,,...,,[ { Pay appropria~a [llin~ fee~ 1. Zoning - $100 plus $6.00 per sore.. ...... ,,..., ..... .,...,..,..,..,[ ] 2. Zoning appeal - $100 plus $5.00 par propezty owner notified,,,,.,,,( 3. Land Study - $100 plus $1.00 par acre (for annexations),,,.,..,..,.[ 4. Concept Plan - $i00 when submitted separately with a zoning re~ummt n/c when submitted with zoning request (fOr PD requests)...........[ 5. 51te-Plan/Mutil-Famlly - $iO0 plus $6.00 per ual: (PD requests) .... [ 6. Site-Plan - Other - $100 (for eD requests)...... ...... ... .... . ..... [ 7. Specific Use Permit (SUP) - ~200 plum 15.00 per mete .... ~. ......... [ C. Submit twenty-two (22) folded prints of the ;oning exhibit drawn at a scale one inch equalm 200 [net at larger on sheet 24" X 36".....,......[ ] O. Submit twenty-two (22) folded prints of the site plan of the proposed developmen~ on sheet etze-~-~X 3e" [ ] E. Submit one (t) 8~" X It" print of both the zoning exhibit and site' plant ] ~. Prints of the zoning exhibit will contain fha follow'ns information all o~ I "Zoning ~xhibit" title ( Z. ~ap of property to be zoned and all property located within 200 ft.[ 3. Name end address of applicant and/or o~er.........................[ 4. ~ame and add,ese at certified surveyor......... .... ......... 5. Name and address of parson preparing the exhibit,,,,.... 7. Accurate location map in the uppe~ .tight at left hang 8. Survey and abstract ~ith tract deeiBnatton...... ..... ..... 10. Current son,n8 of property located within 200 ~t. of the site..,,..[ lt, Names of o~eta of uuplmtted land within 200 ~t. of the property to 12. Lo,arian and riiht-oi-vay al mxtmtin{ and planned ~Jer thorouBhiarea located within or adjacent to the subject property,..[ 13. Gross and ~et mcteaBem o[ the requested tauten ......... ...... ...... 16. Potential number of dwellinS units for residential south{ teq~mte.[ 15. Potential equaze [ootaBe of butldin6 apace for c~erctal, In all instances where'the applicant proposes to modify, delete or add to any of the standard regulations of a requested zonins district, a complete and detailed lint of the changes shall.be submitted..........[ ] Ho If the applicant is rsqueatins a "PD" Planned Development District he must comply with the additional requirements outlined In the Zonin$ Ordinance... ..... . ..................... '**'**''**'''' .... ' ........ ''*'( 1 The applicant sl~all place e ionin6'chanse ~_~ln, provided by the City, in a highly visible location on the site. The sign ~ust be in position ten (10) days prior to P & Z consideration and then returned to the City within twenty-four (24) hours after City Council consideration,,..,,,,[ ] J,' If'the applicant is requesting a Special Uae Permit (SUP) he must comply with the additional requirements outlined in th~ Ionia8 Ordinance.....{ ] After review by the City staff, the applicant shall make all corrections requested of him by the Administrative Aa,infant........0*0**....*'*"[ The applicant shall provide a short nunnery of his track record as a developer (examples of projects in other conmunities= handouts, slide preesntationt etC.) .......... · ....**.... ......... ''' .... °***' ....... °*'[ ';~"';:." · [::3.1 .. · . '.. :.~1 ..,.' ..... '" ;;'~ """ Prints of the site plan shall contain the follovinR information a11 on one 24' x 36" sheet (submit twenty-two (22) folded prints ' and three (3) 8~" x ti' reductions.., ..... ,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,., ..... , .... .SITE PLAN HUST SHOW: 1. Property dimensions of the site and approximate distance to nearest cross streetl.. ...... e All existing or proposed buildings on the property, existing structures, fire lane and access easements adjacent to the property, and access points on and adjacent to the Setbacks and butldin8 lineal 4. All existing privets and public streets including street widths, median openings, and left-turn lancet .... ,,,,,., ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Proposed areas of dedication, if necessary, including alleys or easementsJ ..... ,,,,,. ........ 6. Points of ingress and egress to the property includin~ design and spacing of drivewaysl. ........................... . ......... . ......... 7. Parking area including number and layout of spaces, aisle width, garbage pick-up location, fire lanes, end types of surface of fire lanes; ............ ,,,, ..... ,.,,,,,, .... ,,,,,,,..,,,,,, ..... ,,,'" 6, Screening walls and location, type of ecraenint walt, e£~her living or masonry,,,, ......... ,,, ....... ,.,.,,,,.,..,,., .... '"'''''" 9. Indicate all area to be landscaped, type of landscaping, and total square footase of landscaped areasl do no_.~C use "tree stamps",,,,,,,,.. t0. All e~isting services, fire hydrants, vacdr mains, and sewer maine within the tract end immediately adjacent to it with pipe si~e and location indicated,.., ..... ...,,,,,,.,.. .... .,., ..... ''''"'' ...... ''' lt. All proposed water and sanitary sewer pipe lines with indicated and valves, fire hydrants, manholes, and other appurtenances or structures shovel.,,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,.-.,,,,,""'"'" 12. All proposed or existing water and sewer connections, mater loca- tions, size si meters, with meter and/or detector check valve vaults lndlcatedl,,..,.,. ..... ..,..,*...,'''"'"'''' ...... "*''' ...... 13. Finished floor elevation of proposed or esistin6 structures on the Site referenced to sea level datumS.....,.,...,... ..... 14, F.x£stin$ and proposed con,ours of the tract in in:et-vale o{ one [oo: or less, referenced to aec level datumS,,,... .... 1~. Proposed st exlstin~ on and off-site inlets~ ~ulverts or other d£&t~ale stt~tc~£ II. The fol~owing Information 0hould ba ~ubmttc'ed an notes on the s~ce plant A. Proposed use of th, mite or bulld~ngs.....,..,,...... .... ..........[ Loc or track C. Sire of building (Bquare D. Height of all E. Number of liven8 un/ce, by number of bedroome~ if applicable....,,,[ ¥. Calcuin~ion of the parking npacee required and provided.,, .... ...,.[ NOTE= REVISION OF ANY PORTION OF A SITE PLAN REQUIRES SUBHISSION OF TNE ENTIRE SITE PLAN. tPD Requests Only) Prints al the concept plan shall contain the following inforl~etion all on one 2&" X 36" eheet (submit twenty-two (22) folde~d prints and three (3) 8~ I [1" prints). t) The property dimensions of the site, including total scroase and total square footage of site, and approximate distance to the nearest cross ezreet, 2) 4) Existing or proposed building sites, on or adjacent to the property, £xistini public or private streets with right-of-way and pavaaent width, median openings, and left turn lanes. Proposed areas of dedication, if necessary, including streets, allays, easements, and their dimensions. Points 'of ingress and egress including width of driveways and distance between driveways. 6) 7) Existing or proposed driveways adjacent to or across the street from property, w~h widths, Proposed median breaks end diet&nco between median breaks, including left-turn a~acking apace and transition d/stances. s) Parking areas. Parking aisles should be shove (detailing individual spaces ia preferred, but no~ necessary), as veil as any proposed parking decks. 9) Height of all buildings and atruc£urea in fee~ and stories. Proposed lot coverage, including total square footage proposed in project. Il) Topography at five (5) foot contours or le0s. 12) Any required or proposed screening, ZONIN~ APPLICATION PZAON c~s. Z 7-~7 "7z p01474 RECEIPT. ..~ ~eceiv~ From ~~ - ACCOUNT :~OW PA)D ACCOUNT ~,. ,.,l ~ ~I ~.,~ ~ALANCE MONEY ~ DUE ~oee By ~ ~ _ :- --