PD117-CS 910605Matthews Southwest 5220 Spring Valley Suite 500 Dallas, ~exa~ 75240 Tel (214) 934-0123 Fax (214) 960-2421 June 5, 1991 Joe Munsch, Chairman Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission 705 E. Bethel School Road Coppell, Texas 75019 RE: Chautauqua Place Zoning Plan Dear Joe: As you remember, the approval of the "Chautauqua Place" zoning plan by the Coppell Planning and Zoning Commission on May 16, 1991, was not without some concern for the exact street and lot layout. In general, I believe everyone concurred that the change in zoning from lVIF-2 to PD-SF-7 was good, but that Matthews Southwest, as developer, should continue to try to address certain design concerns during the remaining zoning and platting processes. We have coordinated with the city staff in an effort to respond to this objective, and we believe that we have successfully improved the plan in a way that addresses many of the issues raised by P & Z. Please find enclosed a copy of the modified plan that will be presented to the City Council on June 11, 1991. The basic changes are as follows: Addition of a second entry connection to Harris Street, thus eliminating the need to front lots on Harris north of Bethel School. Turning lots 1 and 2 (previously lots 1,2 and 3 on the original plan) so that they front on the internal street rather than Harris. While this adjustment requires that these lots be oversized, this serves the double purpose of; 1) eliminating the traffic concern of driveways on Harris south of the Bethel School intersection, and 2) enabling the preservation of a number of large trees in this general area. Among the items not changed from the original plan are the following: · The alley variance is still requested. The average lot size is still in excess of 9,000 square feet. The minimum house size will still be restricted to SF-9 standards. We are hopeful that this modified plan will be approved by Council, and that we will be before P & Z again in the near future with out plat submission for this property. Should you have any remaining concerns about the modified plan, or comments or questions in general, please call me at 934-0123. Sincerely, MATTHEWS SOUTHWEST Tim House Vice President Gary L. Sieb TaD, on Bowman