PD117-CS 640418DEDICAFION DEED TIR STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS KNOW AI~ MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TI~T We, BILLY CHARLES RILEY and wife, KATHLEEN FOUTS RILEY, of _ . ~,,~..,.t~..-..., New MexicO, for and in consideration of the sim o/One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to us in hand paid by the City o~ Coppell, Texas, a municipal corporation, have grants, and dedicated, and by those presents do hereby grant and dedicate to the said City of Coppell, Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of land more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEINO a tract of land located in the Jaa Anderson Survey, Abet. No. 18 in the City Coppoll, Dalla~ County, Texas, and being O0 foot strip of land running east and west across tho W. A. ~outs property as shown on the 3urvey plat at~achod J~ereto as Exhibit "A" and made · part horse2 for all purpole{, Tho tract to be conveyed for street purpowem and being moro particularly described as followa: D~0INNIN0 at a point on tho ~ost line of W, A. Fours tract 225 feet south of a point which is the northwest corner of {aid ~. A, ~outs tract and tbs south~ost corner of a 3,7§ acre tract in the name of J. Edward Ilmrris; TII~NCE {. 470' to a poin~ on tho west right-of- way line of H~rrie ~root 225' south of tho northeast corner of said W, A. Fours tract; T{[ENC~ 3, BO' along tho womt right-of-way line of ~aid ilarris Street to a point for TH{N~{ W. ~?0' to a pOll{t on tho ~out line of said W. A, Fours tract to ~ point for corner; TIIENC~ N, 00' :long tho west line of said ~, A, Fout~ tract to tho PLACB OF BEOINHINO, The dedication of th- above doscrib~d property is made to tl~e City of Coppoll, Tox~s, for tho p~rposo of baying City uso tho s~me for a public street. TO HAVE AHD TO HOLD tho ~bovo described premises, to,other with all and singular tho rights and appurtenances 341 6'77 in anywise belonging to the said City of Coppell, TexAs, its suacesdors and Aebigns forever and we do hereby bind ourselves, our 9xecutors, administrators, heirs and assigns to warrAn~ and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said City of Coppell, T~xas, its successors and aesigns~ aga.l~st every person whosoever lawfully claisin~ or to claim the s~e or any part thereof. WlT~SS OUR KANDS, this the .~_~day of~~_~, 1964, sr~rs oz NEW ~z~xco B,~FOR~ Y~ the undersigned ~utho~'~ty, In and for u~ld '.~.~///~ _ County, New aox/co, on this day p~n~ appea e CI~RL~8 RILEY and ~T~EEN · hoee na~es are subscrl~d to the foregoing lnstr~ent and acknowledged to ~e that they o~ch exeouted the for the purposes and oonsideration therein expressed and the said ~TI~EEN FO~8 RILEY, ~lf. of the BILLY C~RL~5 RILEY having ~en excised by ~o privily and apart fr~ her hus~nd and having th~ s~e full~ explalnod to he~, ~he~ the said ~TI~EEN FO~8 RILEY acknowledgo~ ~ch 1nstr~ent to ~ her ac2 and deed and she declared that she htd willingly signed tho s~e for the purposes and consideration therein expressod , and that sho did not w~eh to retract GIVEN UNDER MY ~ND ANP S~L OF OFFICE~ this tho ~_ day of i~ ...... , ~964. / ,. ,,~ .;,~/',, ;. gounty, Ne~ -2- 341 Survey Plat The W.A. Fouls .property In the Ja$. W. Anderson Dal!us Cc, u~ty, T~xas, being 11.32a~res J.H. Brewor~ Jr.. Icnd surveyor Survey Abst. 18 in dale 2-15-6 I