PD131-CS 940131 Revised: 6-1'/ ~? . *~MUST R~TURN ALL SIX '?" "A~'" - 3 214-~62'0022 ~,..:, . specigtc Use ~em~c [ ] D~8~ZpC~gn ~ Location of Ptop~rtyl Loc ~ Block (~f applicable): 4. Total ~umber of Acres: 5. Loc~tion further deecrXbedl.~O~h O/de of De~re~? ~d~ /~'~ ._ Present Zoning ._ Proposed Zoning ~e~ling F~or Ar~a Glassifi- Gross Nec* Classlfi- Gross NeC* UniCa/Acta (Non-R~ld. ~ cation Ares Are~ cac~on Acr~9 Acres (Resid,Only) Unms Only) 's~xci~dss maJor-&'secondary thoroughfares. D, Rsason(s) for Zonln$ Chanse (please be spscific)~ 7'~ ~S~'~/a I (We) hereby certify .~hat the appltca~ion fee, $ 7~.Z~ , to cove~ cha of Chis zoning application, ha~ been paid ~o the G{~y si Coppeil on ~pr// ?1 , 19~, Further, I (~e) hereby auchoriza the City of Copp~ll and its e~oyeen, ~o pendinB zonin$ application and/or public hearing concerning said application. (~s) release the Ciuy o[ Coppell ~nd les employees fro~ liability for auy which ~y be incurred ~o my (our) property in th, erecting, ~in~ain8, or r~val