Sent via Registered Mail
' ' MAY 31 ~- . .,
Mr. Bob Delsanter
Brentwood Builders
P.O. Box 702468
Dallas, TX 75370-2468
Re: Mr. Hager's Letter Ma)' 12, 2000
Dear Mr. Delsanter:
As a follow-up to Mr. Hager's letter dated May 12, 2000 that was sent to Mr. Kip Allison
regarding Brentwood Builders issues with the Cambridge Manor neighborhood, 1 would
like to state the Homeowners Association's position on both points. It is our hope that
together we can reach a swift and appropriate solution to both issues.
First, we have received a copy of letter the homeowners in Phase II wrote to you
regarding the issue of the grading and the quality of the retention wall. Within
this letter, they stated their desire and position for Brentwood Builders to address
and correct the situation.
From the Association's standpoint, we support our neighbors affected by this
issue. We understand that this is a homeowner specific issue and not an
Association issue. We are a tremendously proud neighborhood and we encourage
Brentwood Builders to address and correct this matter quickly as a negative result
has the potential to harm the value of the neighborhood, thus, in effect, harming
all of us in the Association.
Second, and an issue the Association is involved in, is the issue on the
replacement of the past due trees. As the documents show, Brentwood Builders
reached an agreement with the City to replace trees removed during construction.
To date, the trees have not been replaced in accordance with the terms of the letter
between Joe Haydocy and the City dated May 15, 1998. The Association would
like this issue solved immediately.
The City's standard value for pricing trees is $150 per caliper inch. Based on the
May 15, 1998 letter from Brad Reid, the replacement measure is 40 caliper
inches. That would be $6,000 worth of quality, native, disease resilient, trees
placed within the neighborhood. Additionally, if any of these trees die within the
first year of planting, full replacement is guaranteed and an additional 1-year
warranty put in place.
Because the Association has a vested interest in the tree replacement (type of tree,
location of planting, etc.) we would like to propose a possible solution to ease
your pain. We would like to propose Brentwood Builders paying us for these
trees, in lieu of, having to be bothered with the tree selection (based on
Association's input), timely purchasing, proper placement, warranty and up-keep
of these trees. Should Brentwood Builders agree to these terms and produce a
check for $6,000, we will consider the "tree issue" closed.
Should this solution not be acceptable, we would like to move forward (quickly)
with identifying tree types, sizes, placement positions, installation and upkeep
plans with you.
Mr. Delsanter, we look forward to hearing from you soon. If you would like to contact
me on any issues within this letter, I can be reached at 972-392-5706 during the workday
and 972-304-6353 during nights and weekends.
Sincerely, ]
Cambridge Manor Homeowners Association
833 Castle Creek Drive
Coppell, IX 75019
Cc: CMHA Board of Directors
Phase II Residents
Principal Management Group
Mr. J. Witt - City of Coppell
Mr. G. Seib - City of Coppell
Mr. B. Reid - City of Coppell
Mr. R. Hager - City of Coppell Attorney
Mr. Allison - Brentwood Attorney