PD132-CS 940428 MSH Investments Inc, %o POSt-I, '~ br.~d fax ,ran$;nitt, I memo 7671 T~ '-j .......... 12201 Merit ~ive ,, ~1-~~ V~A ~'~ (224) 99~-7500 R~: 0.8-acre trac~ located north of Lake ~ark A~diC!on along Denton Creek, CoDDeIl, Texas. Dear ~r, ~inckle¥: As YOu know, we'are negotiating with Vista. Partners on ac~lisition and rezonin~ of ~h~ 7-acre tract which and essent~all~ surrounds ~he referenced ~ro~er~y owne~ by Univac,. We intend to ~evelo~_ou~ ~:ac~ for single-family purposes contemplate4 by Che~9~fon~ng ~'~stric~/categOry. purpose o~ ~his letter is to reques~ Four Dermi~siOn :o include the referenced prope=~y in the zonin~ and ~lat~ing applications we are presently Dregaring for ~u}~ml~ion to ~he C~y of Coppell. In addition, we reque$: your permission :o ~n¢lude ~he reference~ ~ro~er~y in ~he FZMA application for a Letter of Map Amendment regarding the :00-year flood Dla£n des!gnat,on in ~his area. If you are in agreemen= with ~his request, please acknowle6ge where provided below. Thank you for your assistance in :his matter. If you have any quos:ions, please call me. sinc~rely~ Agree~ ~o and Acknowledged by~ ,: Mi'chael S, BY, ak, ~resid~n~ ~ien e~y, ~e$iden:~ ~S~ ~nve$:ments, Inc. Unives~ ~roper~Les, Znc.