PD132R-DR 950928 (4) DE VEL OPMENT RE VIE W COMMITTEE BUILDING INSPECIION ITE]~: Penninsulas of Coppell DRC DATE: Septen~er 2& 1¢¢5 CONTACT: Greg Jones, Chief Building Official (304-3500) COMMENT STATUS: ,/INITIAL PR EL!~m~?,~ Lq Y 1. Show zoning on plat (PD SF-7) 2. No detached garages are allowed Zoning Oni 31-1-4. 3. Every detached garage is ~ to have the meter base as well as an inside disconnect installed at the garage, lhe panelbox may be installed in the garage or in the residence, but only in an accessible location with a 3' by 3' clear woddng area in front of the panel. No electrical panel may be located in a closet or other such area where the clear space cannot be maintained. 4. Section 35 of the Zoning Ordinance limils detached garages installed as accessory buildings to a maximum height of 12 '. 5. All garages must be of 80% nmsonry construction. drc9284