Application & checkRevised: 3-23-87 "' *~f'~ RETURN ALL FOUR
A: Requesting:
Specific Use Permit [ ]
B. Description & Location of Property:
1. Survey & Abstract: William A. Trimble Survey, Abstract No. 1268
2. Addition Name (if applicable):
3. Lot & Block (if applicable):
4. Total Number of Acres: 2,144 Acres
5. Location further described: Property is north of DePorest Road, east of
the proposed extension of MacArthur Boulevard
C. Zoning Requested:
Present Zoning Proposed Zoning
Dwelling Floor Area
Classifi- Gross Net* Classifi- Gross Net* Units/Acre (Non-Resid.
cation Area Area cation Acres Acres (Resid. Only) Uses Only)
Approx. Approx.
SF-O and 2.144 1.434 C 2.144 1.434 1:1
*Excludes major & secondary thoroughfares.
D. Reason(s) for Zoning Change (please be specific): To allow highest and best
use of property in light of recently approved changes in zoning and other
influences and property, especially to the north of the property.
E. Fee:
I (We) hereby certify that the application fee, $ , to cover the cost
of this zoning application, has been paid to the City of Coppell on ,
19 . Further, I (We) hereby authorize the City of Coppe]l and its employees, to
enter upon the premises herein above described at all reasonable times for the
purpose of erecting, maintaining, or removing signs to notify the public of the
pending zoning application and/or public hearing concerning said application. I
(We) release the City of Coppell and its employees from liability for any damages
which may be incurred to my (our) property in the erecting, maintaing, or removal
of said signs.
Date: June 1, 1987 Owners *_??:~: Parks of Coppell Joint Venture
Representative: Dave Rifler Address: 12770 Coit Road
MiChael R. Allen, Venturer
Telephou~ [: 233-5771 pa~l~s~ TX 75251