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PD131R-CS 951121
P 01 7ttI$ A'IR.tll:IlL/~P, ;'~lX'~3 ('.[,h'q/~f~N2['n/,,O,,v C'ON7411V.~ ~'XACT£t.! 7~0 hit.GL'3', ZNe~:Z. tIDSN~; l/lib' F~£,'?3'ON/}L L'OV[':R 3't!F..£'7 A. ND MEMO ......... /0: P~R'/ V[RTAN~N P¢,.-~.~, peea. oe r¢o-Lt-:w .?he at.~.ache, d ~.e-t.~¢:~. fo,,. ~ccuracy emi wish t.~ /o~to,,,.Z,e h~mo.o aeZng.~ ~ V~R~t V~/t~ /~APP~ "A P¢o~e. 4oion. a.~ BROWN-NOSE2i" 71/.[,~ L&'TTER WAS ;~AX'D ON 7UCSDAt_/, NOVEMBER 2!,~t, 1995 (z;' E. XACTLy 10:54 A.M. 70 21/~./ 304 ;570 P 82 und Co,w,,un.i. ty S~,ev-~c~ p.O. Box ';I8 7he E~t.a~e~ ol Ca~l~idgz ~ano~, in. whgcb the Ce)ppe~g P.gunn.~ny our ~.eque4~ ~o am~,ld the afe, rem~.~n~.-ionecl t) 0~ Lot l//~_eocA "~", and Zog 7/Bgoc~ "A"t t_he aide ya.¢~ fertce.-~ mcx~/ g~ tttOoc~et ~o within fi,,e feel (5') 2) 7h.e .~ide yard feuc:e, on LoL 7/~lPoch'. "B' ~ay be gu~P~ wg.~.h.Zn g'.gl'eeen feet. (15') of ~.h.e Cas.~Pe ~;.~eek ~)r.i. ve righ~-of-wuy. [)~.'~in9 ~.fie ~.'gZ h-ea~n9 on Thua.ocluy, Nooemge~. 16, I995, ~e~agngng gert (lO) co.~ne~ ~o~3 we~.e d~:n.ied t. he ,~eqae.~t. have ~he~ fe,lc.e.~ r,tooed Lo wit. fi.Ut f.gve feet (5') of the property l.gn.e.~. Conae~a~:nt. Py, beame~ bc~.e.Pop~ent, Inc, woaPcl ~ik.e to formally ~eq,ze. atl. ha~ we b~ put on the ~yendu for the C.i~y Counoi.P meeting on 7ueadrzy~ Dece,aber loth, 1995, ~-o appt-~ae the PgZ item rznd/or .i.Lw*.~ in t.~.is Petter, pgeaae feel f-¢~r~: t.o c. a gl me an~/t.Dne E~ 214/ 908- 1068. V.i ce- POST OFFICE BO}( 2312 * COPPELL, TEXAS '/5019