PD150-DR 951228 (2) 1 ~×~9×95 1~: ~8 00? * BEC 2 91 5 ,'~ DE~LOPME~ ~EW COMM~EE __~ ~,:j-~,-' ,~RC ,DA~: December 28, 199~ CONTACT: ~ Sims~ Director of ~lsure Se~ices The Leisure Services Depart,next recommends the developer l{ive serious consideration to the mana{~cmcnt and operation of this proposed committee recreation area. While this wi{I not be a city operated facility, we would make the following recommendations from a safety standpoint: I. Recommend nil~ht lighting or security lit~htinl{ for this facility. 2. Recommend time parameter fences be constructed so as to provide easy visibility into thc facility from all adjacent streets. Recommend this facility be staffed with lifeguards during operational ltours. 4. Recommend an office/maintenance room area be constructed for lifeguard rotation and pool chemistry tests. 5. Recommend larger restrooms to accommodate chan§in{{ and at least one more commode in each rcstroom. 6. Recommend installation of bicycle racks.