PD133HCR3-CS011212 T H E C I T Y 0 F' COPP-EL£ December 12, 2001 Community Credit Union 2101 Custer Road Plano, TX 75075 RE: Case No. PD-133-I-IC-R3~ Communi~ Credit Union Dear Madam/Sir: This letter is to inform you that Case No. PD-133-HC-R3, Communi_ty Credit Union, zoning change request from PD-133-HC (Planned Development-133, Highway Commercial) to PD-133- HC-R3 (Planned Development-133-Highway Commercial, Revision 3) to allow the development of an approximately 6,000 square-foot financial institution on approximately one-and-a-half acres of property located at the southwest comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road, was approved by the Coppell City Council on Tuesday, December 11, 2001, subject to the following condition: SITE PLAN: 1) Verification from TxDot that the driveway offS.H. 121 will be permitted, and ifa deceleration lane will be required to serve that driveway. In order to prepare an Ordinance, we need to assemble appropriate documentation. When this has been completed and Council has approved the Ordinance, a copy will be sent to you. As a reminder, the zoning change sign can now be returned to the Planning Department for your deposit reimbursement of $100. If you have any questions, please contact me at (972) 304-3678. Sincerely, Building Inspection Engineering Department file 255 PARKWAY ~' P.O.BOX 478 'k COPPELL TX 75OI9 IllTEL 972/462 0022 1Ir~'AX 972/304 3673