PD133HCR3-CS011106 T H E: C I T Y 0 F' .r C-OPP-ELL City of Coppoll 2§5 Parkway BlYd Phone: 072-304-3678 PROJECT CCU PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONTACT: Marcie Diamond DIRECT DIAL: 972-304-3676 FAX COVER SHEET DATE: November~l~2001 PAGES:,.4~(including cover) TO:~-Ol'e~-J°4:~~ FAX: 972-304-3514 Items Transmitted: ~~L~~ '""~ I ) (J - ' Information on "Renaissance Mason~ Units" ~~'~ Remarks -- ~-~~ ~, Would this product quali~ as mason~ in terms of the City s definition? I would appreciate a response at your eadiest convenience. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact me at 972-304-3676, or E-mail me at mdiamond@ci.coppell.tx.us Biac~on Br/ct~ :'AutnonT_ea Dksmeuror or .~_,~scrmt Stone' - i:requent~y ?~,x; .~.c~; .......... :. . _ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS i: Renais~nce Ma~n~ Uni~ (R~U) are high densi~, severe wea~efing, ~l~um sili~te mason~ uni~. They ~n ~ us~ for ~ mason~ ven~r and load ~afing mason~ ~ns~u~on. They are pr~u~ for ve~l ~11 ~ (3 5/8") and thin wall (1 V2") ~erior ma~nw verier. ~ldum sili~te has ~n around for over 100 y~. It originat~ in Ge~any and is ~11 ~ing us~ t~ay. Arfiscra~ has ~n manu~dng Renais~n~ Ma~n~ Uni~ for over 52 y~. A~scra~ guamnt~ Renais~nce Stone for the life of ~e building. Renais~nce Mason~ Uni~ is a manmade natural stone. That sounds like an oximoron, b~ what it means is ~e ingr~ienB are all na~l proud. T~re is no ~lymers, bindem, pla~dze~ or ~tand cement. 93% ~nd and 7% lime. ~th ~e materials are mix~ t~ether and pr~s~ into r~ular sha~ wi~ over 1 million ~unds of pr~sure. Then they are p~ in an a~ave, where the chemi~l reason ~kes places ~n ~ ~nd and lime that ~se t~ether. When the stone com~ o~ it is over 8000 psi, wi~ I~s than 8% a~orption. Ea¢ stone is wi~in ~/16 · of an inch of ~inq ~ff~ly square. This lends i~elf to intri~te design ~ssibili~es. What sizes does it come in? There are 3 ~ndard sizes. Call Out Sbe ~ Nominal Actual Dimensions I / RS358 4 x ~ x 24 3 5/8" x 3 5/8" x ¢~-~ 5/8" [ ~S758 4 x 8 x 24 3 5/8" x 7 5/8" x 23 5/8" R8115 , 4x12x24 , 35/8"xll 5/8"x235/8" http :,r'/WWW. blacksonbrick, co rrv'faq.htm ., 9"~) i