PD133HCR3-DR010927 (3) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW C OMMITFEE ENGINEERING COMMENTS ITEM: PD-133-HC-R3, Communi _ty Credit Union, zoning change request from PD- 133-HC (Planned Development-133, Highway Commercial) to PD-133-HC-R3 (Planned Development-133-Highway Commercial, Revision 3) to allow the development of an approximately 6,000 square-foot banking facility on approximately 1.675 acres of property located at the southwest comer of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road, at the request of Community Credit Union. DRC DdTE: September 27, 2001 and October 4, 2001 CONTACT: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., Director of Engineering (972-304-3679) COMMENT STATUS: ,/PRELIMINARY F4NA~ ]~r..lzI$.F~ 1. Show existing median in Denton Tap Road. 2. A deceleration lane will be required on SH 121. 3. Need verification from TXDoT that a driveway at the proposed location will be allowed. 4. Where are you proposing to relocate the existing inlet in the proposed driveway off SH 1217 5. Minimum width of proposed sidewalk should be 5'. You should also provide a sidewalk stem to the existing ADA ramp at SH 121 and Denton Tap Rd. 6. Need to construct the ADA ramp on both sides of the proposed driveway at SH 121. Also, the sidewalk should be extended to the westernmost property line along SH 121. 7. Please comment how a hydraulic lift truck will be able to access the dumpster in its current location. 8. Conceptual Utility Site Plan - very little information has been provided. Various inlet boxes are shown, however, no drainage pipes or connections to the existing systems have been provided. You should show existing water and sewer lines and the connection points. The information as provided is too preliminary to review.