PD145R(CH)-CS 820430 The State of Texas / County of Dallas PROTECTIVE COVENANTS FOR WOODRI DGE OF COPPELL An addition to the City of Coppell, Dallas County, Texas A. Covenant 1. Know all men by these presents that L&N Land Corp., owner of all those lots in the above described real estate subdi¥i- sion does hereby place the following restrictions, to be binding on the undersigned as well as subsequent owners of all lots located in said Woodridge, Phase II, Section 3A. Woodridge, Phase II, Section 3A shall mean and refer to Lot 20 in Block A: Lots 141 in Block M: Lots 1-9 in Block R shown on the map or plat of Woodridge, Section Three as recorded in Xblume 81180, Pg. 3317 of the Deed Records of Dallas Count.', Texas. 2. These restrictions are for the benefit of and shall inure to each and every properW owner of the lots above described and may be enforced by any propers' owner therein. Should the owner and/or tenant of any of the lots located in Wood- ridge, Phase II, Section 3A violate any of these restrictive covenants and/or conditions contained herein, and thereafter refuse to correct same and to abide by said restrictions and conditions after reasonable notice, then in such event, any owner of these lots may institute legal proceedings to enjoin, abate, and/or correct such violation or x~iolations, an~t the owner of the lot permitting the violation of such restrictions and/or conditions shall pay all attorneys' fees to be fixed by the court. The amount of said fees, costs and expenses allowed shall become a lien upon the land, as of the date legal pro- ceedings were originally instituted and said lien shall be subject to foreclosure in such action, so brought to enforce such restrictions, in the same manner as m~y other lien upon real estate, the procedure which is fixed by statute. 3. Inx~alidation of any aspect of these restrictions by judgment, or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provi- sions which shall remain in full force and effect. Failure to e~fforce any covenant or restriction contained herein shall not be deemed a waiver of the fight to do so thereafter. 4. These covenants and restrictions shall run with and bind the land subject thereto for a term of thirty (30) years from the date that this declaration is recorded, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extende~l for successive peri- ods of ten (10) years unless an instrument signed by two-thirds of the o~a~ers of subject lots has been recorded, agreeing to change said covenants and restrictions. B. Usages 1. Each lot is hereby designed solely as a site for one single-family detached dwelling and may not be occupied unli~ss it meets all requirements of these covenants. 2. All houses and structures permitted shall be completed ~Sthin eight (8) ~,onrhs, once cortstructio~t is started. No structure shall be occupied unless and until the premises are connected in a proper way with the Coppell Municipal Utility District No. I sewage ,system. 3. No livestock, poultry or animals of any kind (or pens and coops for same) shall be kept other than the usual and ordinary household pets. 4. The construction or maintenance of signs, billboards, or advertising structures of mW -kind on any lot ~s prohibited, except that one sign or billboard advertising the rental or sale of property is permitted, pro¥ided it does nc~t exceed 3 x 5 feet in size. 5. Engaging in a trade or business is prohibited as also is any activity which may become an annoxm~ce or nuisance to the neighborhood. 6. Grass, weeds and vegetation on each lot in this addition must be kept mowed at regular interx~ls so as to maintain the same in a neat and attractive manner. Upon failure to so maintain a lot, the Architectural Control Committee may at its option, have the grass, weeds and vegetation cut when, and as often as necessa~' in its judgment, and the owner of the . property., shall be obligated to reimburse it for cost of such work, m~d the claim for such reimbursement will constitute a lawful lien against the lot when property, filed with the County, Clerk. 7..MI trash, ashes, residues, and garbage must be collected iu suitable covered containers and moved from the lot regular- ly by the garbage service licensee of the Cig' of Coppell which ser~4ce each lot o~aaer herein shall subscribe to. No trash or garbage may be disposed of by burning on anv of the aforesaid lots. No trash, ashes or other residue mav be thro~a~ or dumped on any lot iu this addition, or allowed to remain thereon. 8. No recreational vehicles; boats, campers, or inoperable automobiles shall be left on the street or on side yards x~ithin view of the street for more than 48 hours. Truc 'ks 5~4th tonnage in excess of 3/4 ton shall not be permitted to park iu the subdi~%ion overnight and no vehicle of auy size which normally transports inflammatory or explosive cargo mav be kept in this subdi~4sion at any time. 9. Specifically exempted from the pro~4sions of this section are acti-~Sties by the developer carrier out in the regular pursuit of construction, maintenance and sales 5~4thiu the subdix.%ion which exemption shall end wheu all development actix4~' including sales bv him are completed. C. Architectural Standards 1. Lots may uot be re-platted so as to create from the total combined re-platted lots more separate building sites or lots than existed in the original platting of said combined lots. 2. No swucture shall exceed (except by .Architectural Control Committee approval) two stories iu height. 3. Every residence must meet all applicable requirements established b,' the Cit?, of Coppeli and auv alteration or addition to any residence must meet these same requirements. 4. The main dwelling of every residence shall have a li~-ing area of not less than 1,000 square feet. 5. The exterior ~lls of each house shall be of a material acceptable to the .Architectural Control Committee. 6. Boundary fences shall be no more than six (6) feet iu height. No fence shall be erected or maintained on any lot or plot nearer the front street than the front ~all of the residence building, and on all corner lots, not nearer the side street than the building line as shown on said plat. 7. M! residences will face the front line of the lot mxd shall not protrude forward of the front building lines as set forth on '~cated plat. Side and rear building lines shall meet the requirements of the Cig' of Coppell subject to appro~al by me Architectural Control Committee. 8. New structures only shall be erected on and permitted to remain in the addition. No structures ma), be moved into the addition. 9. No mobile home or residence of a temporary character shall be permitted. No building material of any kind or charac- ter shall be placed or stored upon the property., until the owner is read)' to commence improvement, D. Architectural Control 1. No structure shall be erected, placed, or altered on any lot until the construction pla,as, specifications mad a plot plata showing the location of the structure shall have been approved by the Architectural Coutrol Committee as to quality,' or workmanship and materials, harmony or exterior design with existing structures, and as to the location with respect to topography and finished grade elevation. A full set of plans will be left with ,&rchitectural Control Committee while any building is under construction. 2. The Architectural Control Committee shall have the right to waive anv restrictions herein prox4ded insofar as the same pertains to ~'pe of roof or quanti~, or masonry to be used pro~fded that the appraised ~lue of the proposed house is not less than $40,000.00. 3. The Committee's appro~'al or disappro~ as required by this covenant shall be in writing. In the event the Committee fails to approve or disapprove platas iu 30 day~ after submissions or in any event if no suit to enjoin the construction has been commenced prior to the completion thereof, approx~al will not be required and the restrictive covenatats herein con- rained shall be deemed to have been fully' complied with. The information, below, on the Architectural Control Committe is dated 1982. The names of the persons mentioned rna3' no longer apply to the actual staff of the ACC. The Architectural Control Committee shall be composed of J. Stephen Crim, Gary..' Smith, Michael Weiss and Mona McBryde. A majori~' of the Committee may designate a representative to act for it, In the event of the death or resigna- tion of any member of the committee, the remaining members shall have full authority to designate a successor. Neither the members of the committee nor its designated representative shall be entifled to any compensation for ser~Sces per- formed pursuat~t to this covenant, Executed this 30th day of Apri~ 1982. TI;.E STATE CF T-E..:AH .;- CCL:;TY.~":~, DALLAS i [.,3'TECTi','E CC','E:;A:;'?S ~'~ WOGDRIDGE, r ............ A. COVENANT i' ~. 3317 of the Leo2 i{ecor.ls of Dallas C"unty, '. These restrlctI3:l:: 3re for tke benef;t of ~nd ::~..,il L:.':rc and every proueru" -:whet cf the lots nbo%'o describ._.: and :-.:v :~e enforcec. ~. "~ an,.'. .Property. Owner t:%ere!n. Should the cwmer and~or, t.znan% %:.e lots located in b:CCDRiDGE, PHASE Ii, SECTiC:; 3A violate any of tne::c restrictive covenants and/or conditions contalned herein, and refuse to correct same and to abide by said restrictlons and conditions after reasonable notice, then in such event, any owner of these lots ma': institute legal proceedings to enjoin, abate, and/or correct such vio- !ation or v~olat:ons, and the owner of the lo~ purm~tt~v_: thc ','relation cf such restrictions and/or conditions shall pay all attorneys' fe=s ~o be fixed by the court. The amount of said fees, costs and expenses allowed ~all become a lien upon the land, as of the date legal proceed- =ngs were originally instituted and said lien shall be subject to fore- closure in such action, so brought to enforce such restrictions, in the = e stunner =s any other lien upon real wsLuLe, the p~occdu&e w::ich fixed by statute. 3. Invalidation of any aspect of these restric=ions i:y judgment, or cour order shall in no wise affect any of the other prov~sions which shall remain in full force and effect. Failure to enforce any covenant restriction contained herein shall not be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 4. Those covenants and restrictions shall run with and bind tut 'and su::jer= thereto for a teru of thirty (30) ,:,ears from the da%e tk.:% :.his declaration ~s recorded, after which t.:'.e said covenants shall he auto- na~ically extended for successive periods of ten (lO) years unless an ins:rument signed by two-thirds of the owners of subject lots i:as Deen recorded, agreeing to change said covenants and restrlc=icns. B. USAGES i. Each lot is hereby designed solely as a site for one single-family detached dwelling and may not be occupied unless it meets all require- ments of these covenants. 2. Ail houses and structures permitted shall ke completed wlthLn eight (8~ months, once construction is started. No structure c~'-'' -'.- - [he Coppell Municipal Utility District No. 1 sewage system. 3. No livestock, [~oultry or animals of any kind (or pons a.'~ coops for same) shall be kept {~ther than the usual and ordinary househc-!d ['cts. 4. The constr%:ctic;%or maintenance of signs, billboards, or a,lvcrt~sinj structures of any k~nd on any lot is prohibited, cxce]zt tnac %n:~3 hll!beard advertising the rental or saleof ?ro[_,erty is [.ermlttcJ, ur,D- vjded it does not exceed 3 x 5 feet in size. retain thcrec, n. '..'re than 48 hours, i'rucks with tcnna'.Se ~;, c::ccss -' h,~ .-'~ermltted to park in the subdivisi.un overn:gl:? .~.c.:.-t in this s,~bdi'.,zsien at any time. 9. Specifically exempted from the provisions of this sectzo:: are act:- rifles by the deve|.(,:,or carried out in the regular pursuit of construc- tion, maintenance and sa]es within the .~ub'dlvision which exu-mp.'_£c:', shall end when ali development activity including sales by him are completed. C. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS I. Lots ~ay not be re-platted so as to create from the total combined re-platted lots more separate building sites or lots than existed in the original platting of said combined lots. 2. ::o structure shall exceed (except by Architectural Control Ccm~mittee -'Fproval) two stories in height. 3. Every reszdence must meet all applicable requirements estak!'ished by the City of Coppell and any alteration or addition to any resilience must meet these same requirements. 4. The main dwelling of every residence shall have a living area cf not less than 1,000 square feet. 5. The exterior walls of each house shall be of a. material accel, table to the Architectural Control Committee. 6. Beundary fences shall be no mor~ than six (6) feet in heigi]t. ~:o fence shall be erected or maintained on an5, lot or plot nearer t'.':e front ~.:-eet than the frcnt wall of the residence building, and on ali. corner lots, not nearer the side street than the building line as show:] on said plat. 7. All reszdences will face the front line of the lot and shall u:ot pro- trude fcrward of the front building lines as set forth on the dedicated Fiat. S~de and rear building lines shall meet the requirements of the City of Coppell subject to approval by the Architectural Control Cc:r~.itte c. :.uw su=uctures on].y shall be erected on and permitted to remain in the addition. No structures may be moved into the addition. 9. No mobile home or residence of a tem;~orary character si]all be per- :-:tted. No building material of any kind or character shall be '-~aced:.. ~r stored upon the property until the owner is ready to com~e,%cc ~-.-.prove- D. ARCHITECTURAL CCNTROL ~:o struct.ar~_ ~!-all be erected, !.inc£,d, cr a!t-cr._.3 on any i,~t ~n~i! constr~action :~lans, s?ecificat~ons and a plot l~la~l s:.Dw~ng the cation of the st:'ucture shall have been ,3: :-roved hy the Arcn~t-pctaral Control CO..Lm .... = as to quai~ty of ...... ~, · ~.,-~ '~ exterior des~::n w~th oxls~inc ~tructurus, and ,= to thc ic-/atl3~ '.,'irk respect to topography and finished ~rade ,'=..c.a~_~n.~,' A full ret c~' clans will be left with Architectural~r--~r~l- C.:nmittee ','h[l~_ any Lulldl ' under ccnstructis-n. 2. The Architectural Control Ccmmiute-~ s:,a21 have the right tc ~ai';e restrictions here~n provided Insofar as ,.ne sa:ne ~ertains uo ty~:e of roe: cr quantity of masonry to be used provided that the appraised value of the proposed house ~s no~ less than $,v,000.00. 3 The Ccr~ittee'~ approval or d~saoprova! ns required '" ~his ccvenant ~:~.al] be in wrltl:%~.~n~ the event the Committee fai%L] tc amore"= cr d~=au~TM p[ar.s ~ 3~% days after sut~i?Lss!cns ur ~n ',', .'-vent to encoln the cons%ruction has kQc-n co~.~onccd pric~ %c t~9 c-.'3~.-!et~cn tncreof, apprc.'.-a! '...'~11 mcc be required and the restrict['.'e :~=-reln ccntalned shall be deemed to have ~:een full'.. ...... ~....,~,,~ ~cd Crim, Gary Smith, M~chaui Weiss and t-lena :-~cBryde. A ma]ori~':' of the Conu~Ittee may ~ - '" ~ {.eslg. aT_ a representat~"e to act for ~ ~ in the event of the death or res~cnat~on of any member of the com,~ittce, '.ne re~ain- ~'~. members s~.a_,~ ~ have full authority to designate a successor. ~:eLther the members of ti~e co~ittee nor its designated representative shall be enter!ed to any compensation for services perfcrmed pursuant to this covenan=. EXECUTED THIS 3~~ DAY OF ~ . 19 ~. L&N ~ND CORP. ~ona L. THE STATE OF TE~S : COUNTY OF DALES : BEFORE .~'.E, the undersigned authority, on this day perscnally ~['neared ~:ONA L. MCBRYDE, known to me to be the person whose name is . subscribed to the foregoing instrument as Assistant Vice-President of I.&N LAND CORP., and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for tl;e purposes and considerations therein expressed in the capacity therein stated, and as the act and deed of said corporation. GIVEN UNDER blY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this ~d/~''' day of . ... .. ~. .~ ~-~.~',' ..: Notary Public in and~f~ Dallas County State of Texas ~. :.fy co~-.,ission ex~ires ~" "" ~