PD145R(CH)-CS 811120 RESTRICTIONS "' ~OR ~OODRXDGE DE~D COPPELL, T~XAS This DECLA~TIC~], made this ~0~h day o~ 'W~r 1981, by"~N~'. ~.~ ~nd Corp. ('~clarant")~ 1477 '... WITNESSETH z ~claFant destres to s~ect tho P~o~rty (hereinafter defined) to the covenants, conditions and restrictions he~eina~lr ~oFth, each and all o~ ~ich Is and are ~oF the benefit o~ the pro~rt~ and each ~ner thereof. N~, THEREFORE, ~claFant declares that the P~o~t~ is and shall be held, tFans~eFced, improved, sold, conve~d, and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and rest~iction8 s~etimes coilec~ively ce~erced to as the "Covenants and Restrictions") hereina~ter se~ ~orth. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following ~rd8 when used in the ~clacation or any supplemental declaration (unless the conten~ shall prohibit) shall have ~he ~oil~ing meaningsz (a) "~clarant" shall mean and re,er ~o L&N ~nd Corp., a Texas cor~ration, its successors, and any assignee vho shall ceceive by assig~ent fF~ the said L&N Land Coop., all or an~ ~ction of the ~ights hereunder as ~clarant, or by an inst~ent expressly assigning stlch rights as ~ciarant to such assignee. (b) "~t" shall mean and .refer to any plot or tract o~ land sho~ on the ~'la~ of the Pro, Fry together with any and all improvements that are n~ or may hereafter be placed oF constructed thereon. (c) "~nec" shall mean and r~Eer to the record owner, ~hetl~er one or more ~rsons or e~tities of the ~ee simple title to any lot which is a part of the Pro, cry, including contract sellers but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the ~Ffo~ance o~ an obligation. (d) "P~o~Fty" shall mean and refer to ~ts 1 through 19 in Block A~ ~ts ~ through 28 in Block B; ~ts 1 through 24 in Block C~ ~ts 1 through 37 In Block D; ~ts 1 ~.hrough 22 in Block Lots 1 through 25 in Block F~ ~t8 I thro~h 33 in Block G; 27 througl~ 30 in Block J sho~ on the map o~ plat o~ W~dcidge wl~ich these restrictions are a part, but shell not include, ~e~ec to, o~ mean ~ts 1 through 10 and 12 through 23 in Block I; 1 through ~8 and 21 through 26 In Block J on the map oF plat ~od~idge o~ which these restrictions are a pact. ARTICLE XX GENER~ PU~OSES OF CONDITIONS The Pro~rty is subJucted ~o the conditions, covenants, =estrictons, and =esecvations he=eby declared to ir. sure use and appcop=la~e develo~e~t and ~mp=ov~ent o~ each building ~te the=eo~ to p=o~ec~ ~he ~ecs of ~s agains~ such use of su==oundl[tg ~ts as will dep=ecia~e the value o~ !ots~ to guard agains~ ~he e=ec~ion ~he=eon o~ s~cuctu=es built of ~pcoper or unsuitable matec~als~ to ~nsu=a adeqt~ate and =easonable develo~ent of ~he P=o~=ty~ to encourage ~he e=ection of att=active ~p=ovemen~s ~heceon, wl~h ~he ~pp=op=late locations the=eof on building sl~e.~ ~o prevent ha~a=a=d and inba~onious ~p=ov~en~s o~ ~ts~ to secu=e and ~ai~a~n p=o~= ca,backs ~=~ s~=eets, and adequate f=ee spaces st=uc~uces~ and In gene=al to p=ovide adequately ~o= m high and qumll~y of imp=ove~nts on the ARTICLE CONSTRUCTION OF IHPROVEHBNTS AND USB OF LOTS Each Lot shall be occupied and used as follo~sl SECT/ON I - Residential Usel All Lots shall be used for residential purposes only and structures shall be limited to one single family residence which may not exceed two stories height. SECTION 2 - Restriction on Resubdivisionl None of the above ~ots ~hall at any--~'~e be sdbdivided into omaller Lots, but it ia not intended to preclude the subdivision of three (3) or more adjoining Lots into Ix)ts larger than those shown on the recorded plat. SECTION 3 - Uses Specifically Prohibited~ Notwithstanding the other sections of this Article 11I, the use of any Lot shall be restricted am followa~ a) No animals, livestock, poultry or birds of .-~ny kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any LOt, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept ~n reasonable numbers, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose. Horses, ponies, goats, sheep, ho~s, monkeys, fowls and cows shall not be deemed as household pets and are not permitted. b) No Lots shall be used or maintained aa a dumping ground for rubbish. Trash, garbage or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All equip~ent for the storage and disposal for such ~aterial shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. c) No boats, trailers, campers, or inoperable automobiles w£1l be left on the street or on side yewds within view of the street. SECTION 4 - Haximum Building Coverages The total habitablc floor area of the main structure on each LOt shall have the following square footage restrictions which are exclusive of porches, garages and other out-buildings= a) One-story structures shall have a minimum of 1000 square feet. b) One-and-one-half and two-story structures sh~ll have a minimum of 800 square feet ground floor area, having a minimum of Il00 square feet. SECTION $ - Building Haterlals~ The exterior walls of each building constructed or placed on & Lot she1! be of a material acceptable to the Architectural Control Co~mittee. Roofing must be of composition shingles, or shingles of a better quality. ~ECTION 6 - Side Line and Front Line Sot-Back Restrictions= All residences or dwellings erected or placed on any Lot on the ~ , Property shall face the road or street adjacent to the LO~ as shown on the Plat or as ~reseribed in the deed from Declarant conveying the same, unless otherwise required by Architectural Control Committee. Any portion o~ such dwelling or residen~e shall not be nearer to the road or street property line of said Lot than as designated on the Plat, and no structure of any kind ;Dwelling or out-building) shall be nearer to any inside line of any LGt than five feet. SECTION 7 - ?empora~V Structures~ No temporary structure any kind shall be erected or placed on any Lot end in no instance shall more than one d~elling or residenoe be ere,~ted or placed on .:. any one Lot as the same Is shown on the Plat. Any garace erected " more than one-hundred-twenty (120) days' prior to the completion of the main dwelling or residence shall be considered temporary ~ ~ . ? -. .... ,~ .~..~:~. · ?:.~,,~ ~,.:.--.: ..:..,~?~y? .~ .-..-; .,~ or placed on any ~ shell &~ any ~MI ~ used II I ceitdenct SECTION 8 - Fencesz rio fence or wall shall be permitted to extend ~e~cer to any street than the front line of any or reside,ce. Such reseric~ion shall not apply to any fences wall~ which may be constructed by Declarant. Such fences or walls erected by Declarant shall become the property of the o~nec of the lot on which same ace erected and ss such shall be maintained and repaired by such SECTION 9 - Si~nsz No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on u Lot excep~ one pro~essional sign of not moro than sixteen (16} square feet, advertising the t~t ~oc sa~e, or s~gns used by a builder to sdveFtise the Lot duFing the construction and sale period. SBCTION 10 - Noxious or Offensive Tcadez No noxious or of~ensive trade or activity shall be or become an ~nnoyance or a .. nuisance to the neighborhood or any of the O~ners thereof those claiming under them~ ~ethec heirs sc vendees. ART~ChE ~V ARCHITECTURAL CONTRO~ COMNITTEE SECTION I -The A~'chitectural Control Committee~ An Architectural Contro~ Committee (herein ~he "Architectural ~ontro~ Committee") shall be appointed by Declarant and shell be ~nitLa~ly composed o~ three (3) members ~o provide for architectural control and desiqn ~or the Property and to have end exerc£se the other po~ecs granted to it hereunder. The Architectural Control Committee may designa~e a representative or representatives to act ~or it. During ~uch time aa Declarant owns a beneficial £nteceet in any land within the Property. Declarant shal~ have sole authority to (l) chan~ethe membership ~c~the Archite~tura! Cont~o! Committee7 (ii) designate a successor to the Architectural Control Committee! (iii) substitute another me~be~ in. place of any member of the Architectural Control Committee who is for an~ ~eason unwilling or unable to so~ve. ~rom and after the date that Declarant shall no longer o~n a beneficial lnteresC in any !and situated within the Property, said authority shal~ ~et in a majority of the O~ners of the ~ota. Actions of the Architectural Control Committee will be by majority vote of its members. Neither the me. bars of the Architectural Control Committee nor its designated ~epresentative shall be entitled to any compensation for, o~ liable for damages, claims, or causes of action arising out o~, en~ services performed by it. ARTICLE V GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION ! - Duration and ~nfo~ceability= The Covenants and Restrictions sE this Declaration shall tun with and btnd the Property sub~ect to this Declaration anG shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by Declecant and/or the O~net of any Lot sub~ect to th£s Declaration, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successo=s and assJgns, for a te~ endin~ ~anua~ l, 2000, after which time said covenants shall be automatically extended for t~o (2} succ~osivc periods of ten (lO) years each unless an instr~flent signed by a ma~o~it~ o~ ~e " ~eca naa ~en cecoc~e~, agcee~ng to abolish the Covenants an~ Reztc~ct~ons or to change the Covenant, and Restriction. ~n vhoIa o~ ~n pa~b) pcov~ed, howvec, that no such agceemont8 to ohange 8hal1 be et~ect~ve unless ma~e an~ ceco=~e~ ~n thirty (30) ~, advance o~ the e~fect~ve ~ate of such change1 an~ written not~c3 st the p=o~med ag=cement ~ .est ~o ev~ ~ne~ Bt least ninety (90) days In advance o~ any action taken, ptovided~ Kuctbet~ that no such agte~ents to cha~ge shall applicable to existing b~ldLngs on the Pto~r~y unless such instrument is signed by all og the then owners o~ the ~ropertyo 8BC?ZON 2 - 8n~o;ceman~' Z~ any-o~ ~e ~tete o= he,ts o: assigns shall v~ola~ ot set.pt 'to v~o~ate any covenants herein, ~ny other ~teon o: ~eone o~ng any o~ lo~s In She Pt~etty eay enforce these Covenants sad by p~oceadings at 2a~ or in viola:ion and/ot ~o tecovet d~ages ~o~ such v~ola:ion~ including bu~ no: l~ited to all ateo~neys' ~eea and cout~ costs ex~nded ~n connection ~hete~Lth. SECTION 3 - Effect of Violation of Covenants on ~isting Liens: Violation o[ or failu~o to c~ply ~th any o[ ~ietions, covenants, and conditions shall In no ~ay affect the validity ot any lien securing the pa~ent of a ~na Eide debt existing at the t~e o~ such violation or subsequent ~ereto. SECTION 4 - ~e ~clarant does not in any wa~;wa~Mant conditions on any ~t in ~ridge ~dition as ~e~areag ~'~y " have new [tll In place. 12 la rec~mended by tho.~clarant that be[ore any structure is placed on any ~t that the contractor hsve tests run by a qualified tes~ng laborato~ soll conditions and to dete~ine ~hat ty~ o~ foqadatl~ install under any said structure or structures... · .~,~.. ...... 2.,~7:..----' SECTION 5 - ~e ~clarant reserves the right so long as ts the ~eF o~ a~ of the above ~es tn She Add~iofl~ ot any ~he &hove ~ots ~n :he Add~tiOn~ ~O ~end~ Fevise~ oF abolish any one oF more of ~he ~o~ego~ng tes:ttctions~ and to reViSe the p~a: o[ such ~dttton by tnstt~ent du~y executed and acknowledged and [t~ed tn t~Je ~ed ~cotds o: Da:~a5 County~ Texas. S~CTZON 6 - Sevetabtlt~ Invalidation o~ any of :hess covenan:8~ :estctc~oqs, and condtetons by ~g~,ent oc cout~ order o: ~he [a~uce ~o enforce any o~ the ~oveflan~8 and ~*s~ct~one at the ~(me of its v~o~at~on shal~ In no even~ artec: any o~ the other ptov~s~ons ~h~ch shal~ Fematn in force and e~ect. SECTION 7 - Ilead~ngs= ~e headings contained ~n ~clatation ate ~ot ce~etence put~se8 only and shal2 not tn any ~ay a~fect the meaning ot ~neetpte:atton o: :h~s SECTION 8 - ~en~en~s= Excep~ as p~ov~ded In Sec~iofl 1 this AF~lc~e; :he Covenant and Res~t~c~ions ot :h~s Dec~a~aeton may be abolished, ~ended and/oF changed tn ~ole oF ~n patt~ only w~th :he consent ot ~clatan: and [tf~y ~tcent (SOt) of the other O~ets~ evidenced by a doc~ent ~n ~ctttng beat:rig each theLc 8~gna:utes, and duly tecotded tn the ~ed Records o: Da~as County~ Texas. EEFORE me. the undersigned au:hority on Chis day, personally speared J. 5te~n Crt~ , kn~n to me to ue the whose n~e is subscribed In the iotegoino lnstt~ent and · ..- ackn~ledged to ~ that they executed the s~e for the put,sss and considerations therein ex~.essed and In the capacity therein sta~ed. . ..-~'ZN un~e~ my hang and seal ol ollics this the 20th day In and for